
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 5 ♥ Bhaal'Daes ♥ Kover Up at Times Beach

An alignment heavily towards Service'To'Self sounds harmonious with this Mr. Russel Martin Bliss of Ellisville. He had to know there was a problem with what he was doing when animals started mysteriously dying.

However, the government 'cronyism' is the problem; The government 'allowed' the corporations to get rid of chemicals in that manner. If Mr. Bliss chose to be service'to'others [1];  The government would have encourage Monsanto [1] and NEPACCO to just find someone else. He very much was used an skape'goat.

The government 'knows' it is at fault for endangering Times Beach. That is why it tries, but unsuccessfully by evidence of this video alone, to gloss over and hide the entire embarrassment in plane sight.

People refusing to hold Bliss accountable 'before the shit hit the fan', and running him out of town is what would have saved the town. Instead, they simply waited until the situation grew to the point where it was beyond recoverable 'for the town'.

The factions in the government that are actively 'hiding' the true story behind Times Beach are also probably responsible for at least 'letting' 9/11 happen, if not being guilty of much worse choices.  They like coincidences to hide things in plain sight, and that is probably why they had the "ribbon cutting" ceremony on September 11th in 1999.

bLame Stream Media likes to say "the government fails at hiding anything"; And yet that is only true when people actually know history. With the war by the unions of teachers [1], [2], [3], & [4] against America, and their revisionist writing of history, it has been very easy for them to keep the secret, until the advent of the internet in the Information Age.

Furthermore, 'health insurance' is a privilege instead of a right. The want for the state to take care of plebeians is only generated by the destruction of charity from income tax and families by any number of government policies.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 3 ♥ Freja'Daes ♥ TruthStream Media's Report On Electro'Magnetik Fields from Anthropocentrik Sources!

Truthstream Media's videos are awesome; However, their understanding of the feelings and thinking of the opposition is fundamentally flawed. Their empirical evidence is compelling all on its own, without adding in misrepresentation of the opposing E.M.F. {Electro'Magnetik Fields} empirical data. What I am referring to is that E.M.F.s have been a part of our daily lives by default since humanity first developed as a biological organism.

The planet itself puts out one giant E.M.F. that fluctuates and "pulses"; And it is a good thing too, otherwise the entire surface would be irradiated. Current knowledge suggests complex organisms would have failed to evolve at all without Terra's innate E.M.F. around the planet. As said, your empirical but circumstantial data is certainly valid and of concern. Furthermore, the cronyism in the government "bullying" you about smart meters is fundamentally abhorrent in a classically liberal society, agree do I. To 'win' your argument, there fails to be any need to misrepresent how 'natural' E.M.F. are without anthropocentrik sources such as cell phones.

A better benefit to your argument would be relaying information on how E.M.F. from computers and other technology, is 'different' from the E.M.F. from non anthropocentrik sources. The want for herbal remedies such as Melatonin, Solfeggio Harmoniks, and other responses to modify our unconscious lives is also well known and shared by me. Suffering from severe Rheumatoid & Psoriatic Arthritis interferes with my sleep all on its own. Fortunately, the room that is used for sleep by me, is on the other side of this house.

In addition, badgering the companies telephone 'representative' is exceptionally bad form, believe do I.  Yes the customers' concerns and wants are important but what 'power' does he think is to be had by the telephone operator from India?  Seemingly the caller is of the belief that some majik wand can be waved, and thereby change the entire scenario to be a lot more equitable to customer.  Yes the kompany should behave differently... but the entire scene shows the caller should avoid "punishing" a minimum wage employee for doing the job they are paid to do.

The whole ordeal would too frustrate me. Yet allowing myself to "vent" and punish another soul for something they too have zero power over is failing in an alignment towards service'to'others, feel do I.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 3 ♥ Ka'Dae: Celebrate The National Foot'Ball League's Bogus Illogical & Unreasonable Politics

Know, accept, understand, & accept that, the current oligarchy controlling the culture of Terra incurably and erroneously chooses to believe that it is in their best interest to be evil, believe do I;  That kind of Evil, is for every channel broad'kasted across the planet, never the less which nation, to lie or at least tell the truth in such a way to compel the viewer to believe a lie, feel do I.  The N.F.L.'s failure to use or display intelligence common to any second density species, let alone fourth, is of greater benefit to customers and the planet;  That they stand behind their owners and players mocking and disrespecting the flag of the greatest federations of states in known Terran history.

History of which, this failing attempt by the kabals {1} to undermine and destroy America from within, is far from being a new trend.  For instance, recently the N.F.L. censured the Dallas Cowboys in their attempt to honor members of the Dallas Police Department that have given their lives for the city of Dallas, Texas.  Furthermore, the entire structure of the N.F.L. is that of a corrupt crony statist commune instead of a free market business.  Any act that incites the audience to abandon that crony M.O.B. {Money Over Bitches} of a conglomerate, is a good thing for the United States America.

This effort is far from new for the political landscape.  They have lead a previously successful campaign of destroying the American education system from within the Teachers' Union[1], [2], [3], & [4].  They have had a long time to slowly perfect their method:  Just as the only way to cook a live frog is to boil water slowly, most of America has grown asleep to that progress, until the advent of these internet and pepper began awakening and ascending.

There effect has left us a nation that has forgotten much of its history past 1776 and until a couple decades ago.  Fortunately, a few service'to'other aligned souls have left modern society of Terra, with an accounting of who, what, when, and where during those times frame.  Who began with the much celebrated, by revisionist historians, P.o.t.U.S. {President of the United States} and probably would have ended with the kabals' disastrous orchestration of forcing the F.R.B. {Federal Reserve Bank}, before P.o.t.U.S. Franklin Roosevelt's own bogus manipulating America into the second phase of the Great World War.  Except, we were forced into ending World War Part II, and as a result the Nazi's that had previously backed Adolf Hitler, turned on him and began Operation High'Jump.

Ironically, for all the hysterical fear and paranoia about E.B.E.s {Extraterrestrial Biological Entities}, with which the kabals and a Holly'Wood has brainwashed plebeians  We probably have E.B.E.s to thank for inspiring a few key scientists and business executives, such as Steve Jobs, for inspiring the creation of what became the extra'net as we know it today.  There are other ways that spurred and irresistibly advanced the awakening of plebeians across the planet;  However, the biggest facet of that diamond in the rough is the extra'net itself.  Alas, the far too numerously convenient truths regurgitated by Democrat Party nominee to be the 42nd P.o.t.U.S. Ex'Vice'President Al Gore is more likely to be in contact with service'to'self aligned E.B.E.s.

The only way that the N.F.L.'s could have been anything except a failure at business, is if 1992 had failed to occur.  The only way they could not be orchestrating their own near certain future bankruptcy proceedings;  And being called "Too Big To Not Let Fail", or "So Big We Must Let Them Fail", by the classically liberal minded P.o.t.U.S. Donald J. Trump.

For a culture that has seen the recent creations of groups such as, as much as they try to hijack, maligned, and swamp Anonymous and Tea Party;  That seems like a very clear classically liberal statement of intent by the overwhelming supermajority of all plebeians.  Please note that the term plebeians is used by me, as a sign of respect.  It is applies to only those intelligent 91% of individuals outside of District of Columbia, inner cities, and/or ghettos.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 3 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 0 5 ♥ Freja'Dae; Renowned Physics Journal Concludes in New Study: All 3 WTC Towers Collapsed Due to Controlled Demolition

16 Years Later: Renowned Physics Journal Concludes in New Study: All 3 WTC Towers Collapsed Due to Controlled Demolition

By: Jay SyrmopoulosPublished:

New York, NY ~ Over the past 15 years many highly respected academics and experts have come forward to challenge the official narrative on the collapse of the WTC towers forwarded by the U.S. government. The official government position holds that the collapse of all three towers was due to intense heat inside of the buildings.

But a new forensic investigation into the collapse of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11, published in Europhysics News – a highly respected European physics magazine – claims that:
“the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.”
While many in the mainstream have attempted to label anyone questioning the official narrative as “tin foil hat” conspiracy theorist, many highly respected experts have come forward to lampoon the idea that the buildings collapsed due to the intense heat and fires following two terrorist-directed plane crashes.
“Given the far-reaching implications, it is morally imperative that this hypothesis be the subject of a truly scientific and impartial investigation by responsible authorities,” the four physicists conclude in the damning report.
The new study is the work of Steven Jones, former full professor of physics at Brigham Young University;  And Robert Korol, a professor emeritus of civil engineering at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; And Anthony Szamboti, a mechanical design engineer with over 25 years of structural design experience in the aerospace and communications industries;  And Ted Walter, the director of strategy and development for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a nonprofit organization that today represents more than 2,500 architects and engineers.

The comprehensive study in Euro'Physics Magazine directly challenges the official narrative and lends to a growing body of evidence that seriously questions the veracity of the government narrative.

In 2002, the National Institute of Standards and Technology remarked that the case was exceptionally bizarre. There were no other known cases of total structural collapses in high-rise buildings caused by fires and so it is deeply unusual that it should have happened three times in the space of one day, noted N.I.S.T.

Official investigations have never been able to thoroughly and coherently explain how this might have happened and various teams tasked with examining the collapse have raised difficult questions about the veracity of the government’s story.

Perhaps most damning of all, the experts claimed that after a thorough forensic analysis of video footage of the building’s collapse, it revealed signs of a controlled implosion. Additionally, Jones has co-authored a number of papers documenting evidence of unreacted nano-thermitic material in the WTC dust.

The authors of the study note that the buildings fell with such speed and symmetry that they there was no other feasible explanation for the sudden collapse at free fall speeds – directly refuting studies that attempted to debunk the idea that the building fell without resistance. These respected experts’ new forensic analysis only adds to the growing movement of people calling for a new and impartial investigation into the collapse of the World Trade Center.

Revealing the scope and breadth of public disbelief in the official government narrative surrounding the events of 9/11, even presidential candidate Jill Stein has recently called for a new investigation.

1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 0 ♥ Dias Marduk; Orville S01E03 by Fox

Humorously blatant statist brainwashing propaganda of a third episode to an otherwise wonderstrukk television series: Orville by Fox.  The show as a whole still does circles around the outrageously bogus Star Trek: Discovery produced by C.B.S., as a slap in the face to all Star Trek Fans.  This level of offense is similar to what Electronic Arts & BioWare did to fans of the Mass Effect franchise with how they wrote/produced the ending of Mass Effect III.

Read here for a more detailed accord of how few fucks were given by BioWare/E.A. on what the audience actually wanted from the third game.  The short of it, is that if they did choose to care what their fans wanted;  Then, they would have waited until Drew Karpyshyn was able and willing to spearhead the project.

The third episode in Orville first season, "About a Girl", is when the show's writers and producers made a bogus rip on the transgender debate in contemporary United States of America.  The one monolithic tragedy is how poorly the show relates to the issues that hermaphrodites face and the most successful strategies that parents, of hermaphrodites, have chosen.  The E.T.B.E. {Extra'Terrestrial Biological Entities} "girl" in question is born a girl, and the biological/societal E.T.B.E. parents want to hermetikally change the sex of the child to the same 'mono-gender' of their species.

Who this is coming from is part of the issue;  That is the same statist propagandized faction that are quick to mischaracterize all of the current United States's culture.  They are also eager to be critical of how poorly our ancestors treated the indigenous population of the Americas.  The point of mine, is that they advocating bullying the show's E.T.B.E. characters of this E.T.B.S. {Extra'Terrestrial Biological Species} into complying with the mischaracterized future "modern" culture of Terra.  By the Law of Attraction, the show's writers and producers dreadfully want our past to be horrendously repeated in the future.

What is so stark and thereby, is seen as forced brainwashing propaganda, by me.  Is that a sapient mono'gender species would see itself as free to either dual gender classification of male or female.  The show's writers erroneously expect such an E.T.B.S. as described in the show, to "claim" to be male.  Instead, only ignorant savages would seek to 'conform' to Terra's perception of gender.

Why this is even an issue is because the episode makes a big deal about the E.T.B.E. second tier characters of this E.T.B.S. performing peaceful civil disobedience against the Terran culture dominating this supposedly peaceful "Union" {a.k.a. Federation} ship, U.S.S. Orville.  There are always two sides to any problem, and of course the writers make a show of characterizing the human's insanity as repugnant.  Of course, it would be repugnant;  Except the entire scenario fails to make any logical or reasonable sense.
This is where the red line is drawn by me.  Thirteen minutes of the show is all that could be stomached, before the insanity threatened the harmony, serenity, and tranquility within me.  This is intentionally written to convey humor, because of how serious am I.

A scenario that would be a lot closer to be in'phase with our Prime Material, is the following.  A single gender E.T.B.S. would make it a point to correct any "human" that characterized them as male or female.  In the event that a 'girl' was born of a mono'gender species, they would fail to even suspect the child had a genetic mutation until the child's genetics were discovered.

Furthermore, a private militia that was under contract to represent the interests of a confederation;  That represented multiple different species from multiple different home'worlds...  Such a Navy would have trained its officers to be a great deal more tolerant and accepting of cultures and societies external to the officers' own.

The idea that the genetic deviation, or mutation, can be beneficial is worthy to focus an entire television episode, feel do I.  However, simply ignoring that the vast majority of mutations are in fact, harmful to the subject, is a disservice to the audience and makes the writers, producers, and directors of the show appear as ignorant hillbillies.

1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 0 ♥ Dias Marduk; Why Be Grateful For Gravity; And "...speak like Yoda"

The reason for being grateful when others share gravity with thyself.  Gravity is another word for the Force; And, the description that Mr. George Lucas came up with for the Force, after researching Eastern religions and spiritual paths, is of Prana and the Holy Spirit. From that premise, Prana, the Holy Spirit, and the Force are gravity, think do I.

Yoda speaks with a S.O.V. {Subject-Object-Verb} structure; And that is fundamentally different from speaking in Subject-Verb-Object, or Verb-Subject-Object structure, the goal of mine.

As for why, it is really very obvious, to speak S-V-O, or V-S-O, for me. A lot of people only 'read' half of a sentence or paragraph, and then presume that everything is known to them. That is how this idea was initially inspired in the mind of mine.

It is best to accept how people respond to thoughts, words, and actions instead of trying to change them, believe do I.  Therefore, the 'object' is put last in the sentence structure; Because, the noun or pronoun is the least important part of any sentence constructed by me.

In addition, a greater sense of humility, it has inspired within me.  As arguments often have very little to do with the perception of mine.  Or at least, others often avoid commenting on the 'world view' of mine.

It is important to note that the exercise of speaking S-V-O, or V-S-O, is far from performed flawlessly by thyself. As with almost all in life, it is an ongoing effort;  And that means there are moments of failure, for thyself.  With that in mind, it may be easier to accept that any sense of superiority is free from the psyche that uses this way to speak.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 0 ♥ Mar'Duk'Dae; Fan Support For @WeatherWar101.com

Apparently there is a memo mix-up and Dickies {D.I.K.S.; DisInformation Campaign Stooges}, such as Mr. Dane Wigington, Mr. Steven Greer, & Mr. Mike Adams, failed to get the quarter century old T.P.S. Report on how insults, degrading, and demeaning rhetoric from Mr. Nobodies is sssooo two decades ago;  Myself excluded of course. That tactic only work when they control 100% of the media.

Ironically, N.L.M.'s {@TheHealthRanger; NaturalNews.com; Naturally b.Lame Media} was how @WeatherWar101 was discovered by me. However, N.L.M.'s roots as a disinformation artist, due to its pushing 'organic' and other statist propaganda astroturf issues, was easily suspected by me.

The point of mine, is that @WeatherWar101's evidence speaks for its own credibility much more logically and reasonably, than the b.lame tired arguments made by the paid Disinformation Campaign stooges.  That means there is little reason to waste emotional energy on them;  That is other than to pray for the Goddess to eternally illuminate their self-determined paths.

Mr. Adams, and the others, may deviate from the official District of Columbia party line on specifically irrelevant issues.  However, the issues are irrelevant because of the 'learning' material, for what the audience is attending.  This is done only in an attempt to trip plebeians up and trick them into trusting the source as credible.  Ironically, it only helps to identify themselves as either stooges or simply people who disagree.  It helps by how their arguments are free of reason or logic with all that is said by them.

In the I.A. {Information Age}, in which we live, plebeians that care can easily find minority reports on any issue. Therefore, destroying the kabals' century long masquerade of only showing one of the myriad facets that is has by any issue.


1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 1 2 ♥ Dias Vela; Co'Creative Consciousness

The following media companies that mascaraed as 'news' outlets are the quintessential #FakeNews;  Such as ABC News, Associated Press, CBS News, CNN, FoxNews, Huffington Post, Los Angeles TimesMSNBC, NBC News, New York TimesNPR, Reuters, Scientific AmericanTime MagazineWashington com'Post, et cetera knowingly publish and report stories that outrageously false.  The reason is that they want to control our minds.

Through the Law of Attraction, we all have a cumulative effect on the past, present, and future of our Prime Material.  Each of us have a 'materia' or reality that is unique to us.  The Prime Material is the commonalities that our higher selves all agree to.  That is how, as a whole, we manifest our own fundamental reality.

With previously mentioned b.Lame Stream Media, the Nazi Kabals try to manipulate our reality by controlling what we think about most.  The recent fake news published by the Associated Press about P.o.t.U.S. Donald Trump supposedly working on a deal with the unethical and immoral statists in Congress on legislating the D.A.C.A. {Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals} , is a prime example of how they are trying to get the audience to obsess about it.

As we know, through the Law of Attraction, the Goddess manifests what we think about most.  The nature of the emotions we tie to what we are thinking about are irrelevant.  All She senses is our thoughts and the 'level' of emotions associated with the thoughts.

Therefore, join in gratitude to the Lady for irresistibly and indomitably helping us abundantly manifest an overwhelming classically liberal wave sweeping our planet and peacefully overthrowing the statism in our governments.

Limited Government, prohibited from meddling with plebeian's property, life, and liberty, creates the best form of Free Market Capitalism with abundant competition.  The government's only role is to protect citizens from corporations forming monopolies.  Increased competition in any industry is innately a benefit to the consumer.  Furthermore, Free Market Capitalism rises more living souls out of poverty than any other economic system that has been created or even imagined.

The only time capitalism fails is when the citizens allow Crony Governing to infest the government.  That is corporations who 'lobby' for use 'force' to bully, intimidate, or preferably for them, just eliminate the competition by the corrupt government.

Any government will always seek more power over it's citizens.  That is why the Bill of Rights was created, to 'limit' and prohibit the government from meddling with our Divine Rights of Man.  The reason for that is simple;  The more a government oppresses it's citizens to maintain "security" the more quickly said government will fall, on a long enough timeline.

Personally universally support Peaceful Civil Disobedience, as it is vastly more effective than violence.  However, our Founders gave us the Right to Bare Arms precisely to keep the government in check;  Because it is right and proper for the government to be afraid of its people.  It is tyranny when that is reversed.

All of that, is why it is very wise to avoid setting aside any time in the day to watch news.  Or at the very least, limit thyself to only a couple days in a week with an aggregate iNewspaper such as Rekord of Witkh's Koven.  Where we purposefully pull news known to avoid letting bias infect their news reports.

The latest suggestion from Corey Goode and David Wilcock is that we meditate and embrace our inner connection to the Lady.  Focus on imaging the best possible future that you can imagine.  The goal for me, is to progress further in my alignment towards service-to-others.  In other words, helping others with their choice to be happy.  That most often means helping them with what they choose to want, instead of why thy thinks is better for them.

Doing this will help society as a whole manifest the best possible future.  It is right to prioritize helping those who matter most to thyself, because the input from their soul on what to manifest as the Prime Material is greater than a stranger on the street.

In addition, those who are perceived as an enemy are essentially the same as friends in the value your higher self places on their input.  Thus, the quickest way to affect the largest change in thy alignment towards service-to-self, is to repeat the following towards any and all enemies.  Those that compel the strongest emotions are first.

Mentally or physically call the name of the person while imagining their appearance in thy head.  Repeat the following.

  • You are adored, admired, and loved by me.
  • Your pain and suffering is empathized and sympathized by me,
  • Apologies for any pain and/or suffering that has been added by me. 
  • You are forgiven by me.
  • Your forgiveness is begged for by me,
  • Thank you.

All souls deserve and are worthy of abundantly being and feeling loved, joyful, and happy.  Yet, that fails to mean others 'owe' us anything.

The more emotion that is brought to bare with the above thoughts, the greater the affect.  Still, this is only useful in addition to actually spending time and effort in service-to-others.

As always, trust yourself and more specifically thy own inner connection to the Goddess above and beyond that which is communicated from any person, place, or thing;  Regardless of social hierarchy.  That includes the Pope, or anyone a similar position.