
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Netflix: Io

The 🎥 movie 🎥 has just been started by me.  This account will be updated after it is finished.  However, this bit seems very important to the distortion lens of mine.  A fundamental problem modern writers often have, is with the context of the post'apocalypse.  They often start a story off with "all of humanity did this…";  Unfortunately Mr. Jonathan Helpert falls into that crowd, think do I.

The flaw is thinking that there only exists one viable answer to any given problem.  They assume that because they are ignorant of why oxygen remains, that it is inevitable that it will disappear.  Adoptinga path from a prediction based in ignorance is an insane choice.   Then the author further compounds the error by assuming, that in the event such a great tragedy were to occur, there is only one solution, feel do I.  This is inherent in suggesting that only one group survived… the one that is self'named the 'Exodus' group.

These mistakes are compounded by suggesting that humanity as a whole all built starships to launch on the exact same year, day, hour, minute, and second.  It is ludicrous to even consider, because crowds fail to behave such as that.  Others would have proposed viable solutions that would  have resulted in more communities than the hermit and Io.

Of course, the mere existence of the protagonist inherently contradicts that whole chain of assumptions.  Yet the writer treats the artificially narrow and rigid thinking, as if its noteworthiness is lacking.  Suspension of Disbelief is real and good, but some modern writers seem to choose to use it as a crutch to beat the audience over the head with political dogma.

This could be a strong source as to why a few sapient choose to not realize that Climate Change is  occurring on all planets in our solar system according to N.A.S.A.'s own studies.  This could also be exacerbated by the Deep State owning ninety’one percent of all media companies that pay writers of fiction tries to treat the debunked hypothesis as pseudo'fact.

Of course, this is just unsubstantiated conjecture, but it seems doubtful that many sapients have been using gasoline burning engines on Pluto, Charon, Mercury, Mars, Juptiter, and its moons, Saturn, and its moons, Neptune, and its moons, Uranus, and its moons, Nibiru {Planet IX}, and any moons it may or may not have.  It is precisely because our sun is spewing more radiation that we know that even Pluto has an atmosphere.  Said atmosphere is changing and becoming more energetic.

The choice to write with the context of fiction, tragedies, and/or comedies are big ones because it limits the audience.  The choice to write with the context of Science Fiction, limits it even further.  Therefore, why a lot of modern writers feel compelled based their context of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Post’ Apocalypse on political dogma seems greatly beyond all rational or logical thought.

This is similar to how many artists feel compelled to be political.  The public may follow an actor but that is because of their art.  That choice is free of any relevancy to the actor’s political beliefs.  The plebeian desire is only in so far as to be entertained.  Being insulted. degraded, demeaned, and censored for simply chooseing an opposing perception fails to come even close to entertaining to plebeians, think do I.

Watching or reading novels with a context that is based on horrendously and blatantly flawed context also falls short of being entertaining to plebeians,, feel do I.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 2 ♥ 1 4 ♥ Bhaal'Daes ♥ The Incredible Hulk's Future in Avengers

Dr. Bruce Banner is a different type of superhero and Marvel has failed to really do him right; Kind of like the Superman curse, with which certain writers seem afflicted.   That is they have trouble knowing how to write a movie where fighting should only ever be at the end and as the last straw, because he will always win.

That is just an integral part of the character, for the same reason Captain America was able to go toe to toe, in strength, with Thanos wearing an Infinity Gauntlet.  Their strength is literally indomitable, but seemingly a lot of script writers seem to get hit with the stupid stick when writing a Hulk movie.  That is because they seem to think that people want to see a whole 2/3 hour movie of him playing whackamole with Loki.

Conversely, the audience can be easily be mislead by advertising for a Hulk movie, by studio execs who make the mistake of advertising it as a rocky type type superhero movie.  Only for the audience to be shown a romantic comedy/tragedy with a cameo of the Hulk.  NeverTheLess, expecting your entire audience to be ignorant of one of the founding movies of the Marvel Cinemaverse;  Only serves to insult those viewers who do remember.

Ed Norton was an awesome Hulk, think do I.  Sadly and seemingly, his High Self allowing his Ego to get in the way of the Marvel Cinemaverse is a felicitous tragedy, all by itself.  A hypothesis of mine is for Marvel Entertainment to support the best of both worlds.  Continue with Mark Ruffalo's promised minimovie through the Avengers movies, and have Ed Norton continue his T.I.H. series.  The scripts for either movie would come from the same timeline... so what happens in Avengers effects the world depicted in the solo movie arc, and  vice’a’versa.

However, don't feel bad because the M.C.U. Writers {1} too, seem to be writing the Dr. Banner as if T.I.H. is invisible, while officially saying the opposite.  For instance, why is Bruce forgetting about the obsessive compulsive reciprocating love affair he has with Betty Ross, and giving Black Widow gugu eyes…?…

As for letting two, Ed Norton and Mark Ruffalo, actors portraying literally the same character.  James Bond anyone?  As long as it is officially acknowledged and they are both proper movies vaguely following “The Hero’s Journey”, the fans will love it, think do I.  It allows us to have more great superhero movies, if done correctly audiences from different genres will have a taste of the M.C.U., and it meshes better with Marvel Entertainment's already heavy work load with their existing decade long production schedule.  Deadpool, Captain Marvel, Ant’Man, et cetera already have taken them by surprise and made the timeline distorted.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 2 ♥ 1 3 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Avengers: Endgame Hypo’Crafting

Admitedly, the producers and directors of the Marvel Cinemaverse, are seemingly big on “redemption” of those very far aligned towards service’to’self. Thus the idea of Thanos reversing the snap has merity. However, seemingly part of Dr. Strange’s plan was for Thanos to slide a facet of the Time Stone from its own ‘future’. That is what caused the destruction of the Infinity Gauntlet in the possession of Thanos.

The Infinity Gauntlet was being compelled to create a future that was directly incompatable with the origin timeline of the Time Stone used in the gauntlet. Didn’t notice how neither Dr. Strange nor Thanos actually touched the Time Stone? Seemingly they held it by it’s aura... or whatever that was around it. Therefore, that was part of Dr. Strange’s plan, to destroy Thanos’s greatest weapon, the gauntlet.

As with the release of the annoucnement trailer for Avengers: Endgame... Mr. Tony Stark is in a bad way... however you are right.  Dr. Strange’s actions lead to Tony staying alive, and realizing his Ironman suit could make Thanos bleed.

The answer that is of want by me is Deadpool uses Cable’s time watch to save Mr. Stark .. cleaning up the timeline. :) However, it is likely the answer seems to be both teamwork and family. Dr. Strange already DID use his greatest weapon free of Thanos even realizing he was being manipulated by some Dues Machina.

Ultimately, we know whatever happens, Mr. Stark will survive because he still has to ensure a future for the Stark family. Mrs. Pepper Potts needs to start popping out kids, the family can obviously afford to be big, and even our own modern knowledge could ensure Mrs. Potts continued in great health during and after the pregnancies. 

In addition, Spiderman: Homecoming II is already in production, thus the kid is brought back. Thus we know whatever happens involves at least his, ressurection. It seem very probable others such as Vision and T’Challa will accompany him. However, it seems also probable that there will be a few such as Gamora who will stay dead... ok the characters involved have just as much motivation to see her return, however the point is they are likely to maintain the theme that this is a war.  One of the Cardinal Pillars to the M.C.U. that attracts so many is it’s contuity and consistency.

In any war, even innocents die and especially soldiers. For the audience, to “feel” this and have the emotional payoff at the end of “The Hero’s Journey” the characters that die have to have a connection with the audience. That means important characters, that drastically change the reality of those with strong relationships with them. Such as Gamora, Star Lord, and her adopted’sister, Nebula... and others obviously. Furthermore, the audience has been reminded that she spent most of her life as Thanos’s right hand of death killing many. It is “recent” that she is redeaming herself.

As for everyone else, God of Lightning Thor Odinson already proved his combat superiority over the army corps of Thanos and himself.  Thor single handedly turned the tide of a battle that appeared to be headed towards another “fawless victory” for the army corps of Thanos.  The annoucnement trailor for Captain Marvel has shown her appearing to be just as powerful as Thor, if not more.  The trailer put her dangerously close to the territory of being a Mary Sue, think do I.   Of course, the movie will still be seen in theaters by me. The trailor for Avengers: Endgame also seems to suggest that Ant’man may also figure into how they achieve victory in the jaws of defeat. …

Vision is a connundrum to be sure, he admitted his psyche was a product of the Mind Gem’s personality just as much as Mr. Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. program. It is a hypothesis of mine, that connection has enabled Vision to continue even when without the corporeal bio’synthetioc shell, yet be stuck with the Mind Gem. Whatever happens he may be the one to turn the tide via manipulating Thanos.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 2 ♥ 0 8 ♥ Tiamat'Daes ♥ 2036 Origin Unknown

 Typically movies are simply enjoyed by me, instead of psychee analysing them, or nitpicking various scenes.  However, this movie by NetFlix is mischaracterized as simply a science fiction, when it is more aptly is a tragic horror sci-fi story, think do I.

What is scary is that anyone would think giving control of any project over to an unknown machine intelligence is a good idea.  Furthermore, the writer and NetFlix erroneously choose to think the ending is anything, but the most horrid tragic ending imaginable.

Seriously, it is presented in the same lot as {2001: A Space Odyssey}.  Except even Kubrick understood machine intelligences are far from our friends.