
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ 0 1 ♥ 0 2 ♥ Enlil'Daes ♥ Re: Epic’s Plan Just BACKFIRED…

GoG, MS Store, Origin, and Steam all have been used by me. Epic Store? It has been installed, but has yet to inspire a want sufficient enough to purchase a game from their store.  Them buying off publishers for timed exclusivity inspires only an interest in them being the last marketplace visited by me.

Competition is always great for the consumer. Their proprietary games on their own fail to really be in the wheelhouse of my interests. Games such as Outer Worlds and Control and even Borderlands. Grand Theft Auto are more of a venue that interests me, instead of Epic Game's Fornite.  In the beginning that was the only reason for a Game Studios to contract another company to "sell" a new release.  The prospective publisher is already known for a certain genre of games.

Outside the signing bonus, the reasoning and logic behind tying their exclusivity with a publisher store outside the prospective game's market audience is beyond the understanding of mine. Yet the signing bonus is literally stupid, the developer should refuse to allow the publisher to dictate retail exclusivity. The developer's producers are the one who got the funding for the game to be made. All the publisher does is sell it.

A 'signing' bonus is a lump sum of money that will be dwarfed by the game's overall revenue. It is small thinking, like a vampire wanting to kill off the human race... where do they think their going to get their food? Does the writers, directors, and producers really think their audience lack the intelligence to ask this question? If anything, the last year has shown us that S.J.W.s are quickly loosing whatever credibility corporate executives mistakenly gave them. That seems the only logical and reasonable reasoning for S.J.W.s doubling down on being even mor ludicrous to a target audience, as is apparent to the distortion of mine.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 1 9 ♥ Ka'Daes ♥ Re: NetFlix's Nightflyers

This is a post that may be updated in the future with more criticisms if there is enough compulsion to watch the show further.  The first five to fifteen minutes are critical for any show on the big or silver screen.  There is basically only one flow that guaranties it will be successful.

Apparently NetFlix has hired mostly garbage bin writers who fail at understanding how to weave a good story, for the super'majority of their recent releases.  Why they are intentionally coercing their customers to go to another platform is beyond the understanding of mine.

There is a basic skeleton to all successful myths and modern stories.  The feet of that skeleton begin with what is called "The Refusal of the Call".  It is the foundation on which the rest of the skeleton depends.  It is in this first act that the writer must 'show' why the audience should care about the protagonist.

The initial protagonist, Karl D'Branin in the first five to fifteen minutes does the exact opposite of refuse the call.  He jumps headlong into it.  What is even worse, is the writers seemingly deliberately try to compel the audience to dislike the protagonist, because his 'jumping towards the call' ties also into ditching his loving and caring wife and child.

Therefore, Karl begins the story with a huge negative.  Yet there fails to be any reason the audience should care about him.  The writers 'tell' the audience why they should care, but it really just comes across as him whining, about how his family is holding him back from career advancement... people generally don't watch whiners.

Naturally, the character is a white affluent male.  Of course, it could just be literary license, but given recent releases from Hollywood it can easily be seen as pandering to S.J.W.s {Social Justice Warriors} who fail to buy tickets or pay for subscriptions.  That is their thing, blowhards who only want to force their personal ethics and morals onto others.

Hopefully this perception is changed, even if it fails to interest future versions of myself to watch it.  For those whom humble me with further interest in my critic of this show;  If further time is invested in watching this series, below the time disparity will be noted.

Generally suspension of disbelief allow me to enjoy shows far more than most known to me.  So when a show bothers me, it seems others might benefit from learning why, if they wish to know.

For sharing the Force, grateful am I.  May the Goddess be allowed to alighten a path towards love, joy, and happiness along the self'determined life'cycle chosen by the higher'self of yours, pray do I.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 1 4 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Re: Steven Crowder: Thanksgiving is an Anathema of Racism | Change My Mind

CORRECTION: The Conquistadors were 'given' the keys to Aztec throne because of the color of their skin... literally, think do I.  In their religion that was established a few hundred years prior, white skin and blond hair was a core characteristic for them to recognize their 'gods'.  So the Spanish show up, and Aztecs bow down...

Choosing to think Thanksgiving is racist {since some dictionaries seem confused on what is racism} is abundantly Fake News;  And the same is true for choosing to think the Spanish incited the Aztec poor into revolting.  When has "regime change" police ever worked over the long term?

Please stop calling them Mayans.  The Mayans disappeared over a millennium previous to the first signs of Aztecs.   Aztecs were a nomadic tribe that found the empty Mayan houses and decided to start squatting.  Calling current Mexicans of native descent "Mayans" is genetically and factually fake news.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Re: WestWorld and The Critical Drinker

The movie, and series, are essentially a futuristic take on theme'parks and L.A.R.P.ing {Live Action Role Playing}. And then what are the most popular themes of i.R.L. {in Real Life} LARPS? Those are the themes that a 'company' would explore because it would attract the most number of customers.

"Westworld" is a reboot of an older movie. The original was an amusement park with more than one "zone" people could visit. There was Medievalworld, Romanworld and Westworld. Thus Critical Drinker is simply wrong on the series changing the theme. All themeparks have multiple themes that are explored.

However, the point was each world was one that fit a basic genre, in which their audience wanted to 'play' a 'role'. Few fail to know anything of Shogun Japan, let alone enough to have an interest in roleplaying in it.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 6 ♥ 1 8 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ Re: "... dislike it when an undesired male seeks their attention, thus how is such a male supposed to know this..."?

Stop thinking of In.Cels. {Involuntary Celibates} as if they are the class clown/dweeb.  Instead, acknowledge that there simply fails to be a rational and logical way of attracting an intelligent woman.  The type of women who frequent the local bars, are outside the interest of mine.  Statistically, a politician would be wondering why statism is the antithesis of the personality of mine.

The simple but effective argument to debunk these notions is to ask any Feminist what their solution is to their issue.  They dislike it when an undesired male seeks their attention, thus how is such a male supposed to know this without actually getting to know them?  They are big on complaining about what they don't like but fail to ever propose a solution that is attractive to both sexes, think do I.

People who fail to be those refered to as incels, also fail to have any clue what it is about.  The reason is simple, those who are incels fail to think of themselves as a victim.  Other than that there is likely to be an infinite number of reasons for why any particular person fits into this new category they want to fictitiously invent.

What is precisely bad about living with our parents?  Of course, there is a want for the house to be large enough to keep from people living ontop of each other.  However, the "nuclear family" is a very modern idea, and largely it may be contributing to many a failure of society.  For instance, single mothers would have aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, brothers, sisters, et cetera for chores such as child sitting, while they go on a date or go to work.

The idea that incels are mentally unstable "Jokers" in training is abhorrently misleadingly false.  Perhaps it is an example of the Lamestream Media trying to frame a false narrative around a subject "incels",  because whether they are a M.G.C.O.W., M.A.G.A., or M.R.A.

All animals have a drive for self'preservation.  If a bad owner hits a dog enough times, pretty soon the dog stops coming around the owner.  There has been far too many faux cries of 'rape', only to punish the male because of some reason or another.  Now it's "you must believe all victims!" and very few in the media ask 'why?'

The news holds up the scandals of Mr. Jeffrey Epstein, Mrs. Killary Clinton, Mr. Harvey Weinstein, et cetera as if they represent the attitude of the super'majority of men;  Or, that men in general are responsible for the actions of a few evil males grossly outside their social circle.

Then there is news of how some women, such as Ms. Alyssa Milano, give themselves trophies for how many abortions they have had.  That is only the highlights of a culture that demonizes and destroys the lives of any man having the audacity to benignly express interest in a woman.

Racism and sexism absolutely do exist on the planet Terra.  However, it was heavily in the minority until PotUS #44 Barry Soetoro began his eight years of war against american citizens.  They had to bus people in Ferguson, Missouri to start off the riots, because the people there knew better than to take a shit in your own bed.  MoreOver, choosing to be offended over words and calling it sexism/racism hurts the cases where people face real hardship and tough situations.

So in light of all of that political drama, women are surprised that men have taken a pass on playing their game?  Feminism won the war, and the super'majority get equal pay when compared with similar jobs;  For instance, an Engineer against another Engineer, or a Doctor versus another Doctor.  Now they have opened up new possibilities for the role women can play in a family.  Yet now they are surprised men have said "ok, you can be the breadwinner"?

Living life is at its core 'politics' and it reflects in every choice you make.  Do you expect someone to 'save you'?  Or do you solve your own problems, and along the way help others learn to solve their own problems.

Now the Swamp is so desperate to regain voters they are trying to create a new voting block by convincing "involuntary celibates" that they are also victims.  Well, for me, the response is... no.  "Incel" has, does, and will always fail to ever be a 'thing'.  It's only a symptom to systemic failures of the Swamp both culturally and in our government.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 1 4 ♥ Sol'Daes ♥ Re: Women struggle to find good men...

Women struggle to find good men...
  1. Most date "bad boys" until their 30+.  
  2. Feminazis have made a concerted effort to criminalize 'approaching' women.  How is a guy supposed to know what is going in anyone else's head, let alone a woman?  
    • If a woman doesn't like a guy who approaches with innocent/harmless romantic action, it is now automatic sexual harassment.
    • The same innocent/harmless action done by a guy who the woman does like, then he is the only one who avoids being thrown in jail.
    • Why should a guy risk the rest of their lives being ruined and possible jail time... for a woman who even if they do marry... are just as likely to file for divorce a year later?
    • More and more guys are just passing on that calculus equation, and journo'lists and Feminazis are surprised?
    • That is what unadulterated "#MeToo" has done to society.  There has been some good, but to ignore the bad is equally as horrid.
  3. Women are all for earning more money but when they get it?  Then it seems people who make 'less' are considered "... below their class/level...".
Repeating the same action repeatedly and expecting a different result each time is a very good definition for insanity.  Women, who are "struggling" to find good men?  Maybe they should alter their search parameters, narrow it down to what is 'needed' instead of what they choose to "think" to want.

If they make more than two times the average comfortable living wage in their area, maybe at least go out to a coffee/tea cafe with a guy who does not for whatever reason, make as much.  Money for a hypothetical family is already covered yes?  Maybe they are an artist, maybe they are disabled from work for which they are qualified.

The point is that 'relationships' are supposed to be about two people sharing a life, instead of two 'equals' coming together to just live in the same house.  A man should be able to help the woman, and vice versa, in a psychologically fundamental way, think do I.

As one who is recognized by the state as physically disabled from doing work for which qualified am I?  This journo'list's assumption that men "below her level of income" are somehow less of a 'man' because of it, can easily be as offensive as if the reverse was said.  What would be the typical journo'list response to a man who says '... women who make more than blank annual wage are less attractive...'?

To take the cake, Journo'lists are surprised that the public is rejecting them and their crazy.  Women spent a century working on being accepted as a possible "breadwinner" for a family.

Women got what they wanted!  Yet they still expect the man to be the breadwinner?  However, they justify it;  They are fooling themselves into being blind to their own hypocritical bigotry...  exactly what Feminazies say about the "white cis patriarchy".

And Ms. Fishberg's response to the possibility of not finding such a man?  To reinforce another stereotype of lesbians as closet bisexuals.  That's like the little kid in the playground taking their toys and running away because others refused to bend to the will of the one throwing the tantrum.

For the record, anybody who tries to "censor" another for holding a different political opinion is a fascist, by the definition of mine.  Female fascists who apply their brand of crazy towards others because of age, sex, or race is a Feminazi, by the definition of mine.

In addition, age/race/sex neither physically nor through peer pressure prevent a biological entity from recognizing racism, sexism, and all the other 'ism's.  The only way to be "blind" to it is by conscious choice.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 7 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ Re: Why Not Let Women Be Drafted?

There is a very good reason for South Korea's draft.  It is the same reason Israel has a draft.  It is a requirement to spend at least 2 years in the military.  That fails to be 'difficult' to accomplish.  The good reason they have is the view they should not exist, or pushed into the ocean, by the neighboring state.  For South Korea, it is both China and North Korea.  For Israel it is all Muslim States;  And, idiots still want to force Israel to give Hamas a state. 😅

If women want the right to vote, at the same time they should be included in the draft.  They 'should' have combat roles in the military, there are women with combat roles in the Bible;  And yet some try to frame this as prejudice from 'religious'. 🤡🌏

The only way to circumvent the draft is to volunteer to join the military.  That way a new recruit can choose what job they will be trained for.  Those who wait until they are drafted fail to be given a choice, they are assigned whatever job the military needs the most.😎


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 0 9 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ Re: Democrat Socialist Candidate SHOCKED After Finding the Lamestream Media "...are mean and they lie..."

Calling them "liberals" has been ironic for the past few decades.  This is why Libertarians are taking the label back, from their party that should be called the Democrat Socialist Party.  That is the general platform of their policies since the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

There is a very reasonable and logical hypothesis that the Deep State has pushed with continuing to use this label for Democrat Party.  It directly contradicts what the average citizen is taught to define as "liberal".  This keeps the Cloward'Piven drama going stronger, farther, faster...

That is what has inflated this "bubble" referred to by Tim Pool.  The internet has helped all see that we are all one.  We are uniting, and they are desperate to try to compel the ever'dwindling pool of statist to continue their divisive faux political theater.

Ultimately, libertarian socialism still fails, because of the likely education/perception of the new young adults who grow up in those "communes".  They are unlikely to provide a balanced education because it is against their beliefs and a small commune is all about beliefs, let alone able to 'afford' the resources needed to make up for the opposing opinion.  Public Schools are either unable or unwilling to do this, thus why expect it of a commune.?.  How many young adults come out of Quaker communes claiming they are atheists.?.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 0 9 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ The Zombies of World War Z

Written By Max Brooks
Directed By Marc Forster

The movie has its flaws, of course, but the technobabble for their version of  “zombies” was interesting, think do I.  The video embedded is much more, and different, from a generic review from the perception of a complete stranger.  However, it is only embedded as tertiary relevancy to the thoughts of mine.

After buying and rewatching the movie, the one trait the zombies exhibited but the characters failed to even mention, is that the zombies had higher brain function activity.  They did much more than simply create a human ladder to get into Israel.  They had multiple stages of activity, with the virus research facility in Wales being the most drastic.

That idea is further supported by the script mentioning the zombies ‘bypassed’ the sick, old, disabled, et cetera.  Activity based on the randomness of a dying brain, overwhelmingly fails to support any of those behavioral traits.  The change in behavior traits means there is some intelligence behind the zombies, that the movie refuses to even approach.

Furthermore, this unknown intelligence treats the zombies as if they are easily discarded toys, as they seek to infect “healthy” people.  The zombies would beat on obstacles with their own head, despite that being their only apparent weakness besides the cold.  Therefore, there is obviously some end goal for this unknown intelligence.

Another finding use for these thoughts, is the hope of mine.  For sharing the Force of yours, grateful am I.  May the Goddess be allowed to alighten a path towards love, joy, and happiness along a self’determined life’cycle chosen by you, pray do I.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 0 5 ♥ Sol'Daes ♥ Change Selection Method of Federal Senators & President of the United States

The rich are only able to run for Federal Senators and the President of the United States because of the money needed for their campaign.

That is the reason popularity contests are against what our Founding Parents wanted for the election of Senators and P.o.t.U.S.  Senators are selected by State Governors/Legislator as decided by choice of state citizen.  The Electoral College was supposed to decide the P.o.t.U.S. all by themselves.  Each E.C. vote is selected by their the states.😅

That ensures equity of representation for each state in a selection of the P.o.t.U.S. {President of the United States}

Therefore, we should return to the original selection method. 😎

A.O.C. is a very bad example for support to increase the pay of federal politicians;  She denies Trump monie for Border Patrol, yet she wants more money...


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 3 ♥ 1 5 ♥ Ka'Daes ♥ For Those Who are Confused about What to Do with the Rest of Their Life

It is much better to go into the Military, PeaceCorps, or the Coast Guard for those who are confused about what to do with the rest of their life, think do I.

Sign up via delayed deferment, for a billet to open up for the job training that sounds interesting... such as Nuclear Engineer in the U.S. Navy... they are 'extremely' unlikely to ever be sent to Yaman except as a part of a crew to a nuclear ship.  This is the best way to get some training that may be of benefit to the prospective student, and they get paid for it, so they can start building that Savings account in Navy Federal Credit Union that will carry them through a community college and/or university.

In addition, entering an apprenticeship for a trade profession, such as plumbing or the railroad, can also be a great choice for a young adult.

For those who want to earn a degree to get access for a job that they see themselves in ten years?  Go to a local community college first and study for an Associates degree.  The point is that those who sign up for Financial Aid early in the year, the entire tuition can be paid for by grants, instead of a student loan.  They may still need financial help from a savings account or family, but most of the cost can be mitigated from the students perspective.

Students who know they want a >4 year degree, go to a community college in the same state, or a neighboring state, to the university that is of interest.  That way the Associates from the community college is likely to fully transfer over to the university, thus there is only want for >2 years for their degree that is wanted.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 2 ♥ 0 4 ♥ Tiamat'Daes ♥ Marvel: Goddess of Thunder

Bridging the Goddess of Thunder, is best served by the relationship between Thor and Mrs. Jane Foster being rekindled, think do I. It gives a basic way for Thor to stay in the new "Hero's Journey" for Mrs. Foster.

Why 'Mrs.' Foster? Because that keeps the mystical nature of the deity of Thunder in Asgard's royal family tree. There is still an abundance of territory that could be covered by the Hero's Journey of Mrs. Foster. Romance continues for decades after a couple meet.

They should forget the title "Thor" for the movies with Mrs. Jane Foster as the Goddess of Thunder.  Thor is the personal name of the character played by Chris Helmsworth, instead of his title as the God of Thunder, as Odin himself reiterated to his son.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 0 ♥ 1 8 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ Abductions & 9/11 Memorial

Edge of Wonder's video of Ben Chasteen & Mike Bara, from Game of Thrones, hanging out @ 9/11 Memorial is responded with some thoughts that graced the psyche of mine.

City or State paying for it? That is still paid for by the citizens, just through the lobbyists and politicians get their cut. A commercial museum is at least honest about their endeavor.

Maybe for it to be a nonprofit charity but then they would be faced with entrepreneurs who want to use the space {downtown New York City, 1} to make their living for their family, and that means profit.

Most of those abducted are free of any hint of a memory of the abduction, think do I. Perhaps only 13% or less actually remember anything even in hypnosis. Your will already has to be pretty strong and close to a certain distortion to resist their methods of wiping memory.

FurtherMore, is it really a benefit for those who do...?... The memory, itself, seems to bring them only additional trauma. It's like an adult incorrectly questioning a kid, the kid can end up fabricating a complete traumatic experience that will affect them the rest of their life, just for the adult's approval. Yet before, they were beautifully mentally healthy.

However, everything in our life was planned by our higher selves at birth, and every time we reach REM, think do I. The reason is that we have a much better vantage point, to see the events,

The point would be our choice to be of service'to'others, without sacrificing ourself; And to choose to be happy instead of letting our experiences and friends define our identity, feel do I.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 0 ♥ 1 3 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ The Alliance is Fueled by Tears of Statists and Democrats.

All gov ”bills” have their title be the exact opposite of what it does... Such as the Affordable Care Act… should be called unaffordable…

Mr. Corey Goode, Mr. David Wilcock, et cetera have been, are, and will always be attacked by kabal; They are a direct existential threat to the narrative supported by The Swamp; Instead, perhaps we should choose to see this as a positive, such as with Trump, suggest do I. The more the Kabal attacks Mr. Goode, Mr. Wilcock, et cetera the more it will help spread the good word… The Barbara Streisand Effect is real…

Thus maybe, for a change, instead we should be the ones co’opting our own Co’Creative power, think do I. Instead of letting the Ls.M. {Lamestream Media} control it against our own interest, by what news they choose to actually report.

Once a source chooses to lie to their audience, for instance all of the cable news channels, then it is foolish for us to trust anything said by them. As the audience, it is impossible to discern fact from lie. FoxNews may be the best channel for only omitting news that they are instructed to disfavor, but lying by omission is still lying.

A good example of that is, trusting anything accusatory said by Dr. Steven M. Greer when he himself has admitted to being BFFs with the Rockefeller dynasty. Best yet is to choose to disbelieve any accusation that is without empirical evidence to support it, feel do I. Someone commenting that another is ”wrong” fails to be empirical.  Neither is it particularly effective in elevating discourse for the benefit of anyone. 😅
Dr. Greer can be found talking about himself here:


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 0 ♥ 0 3 ♥ Sylilo'Daes ♥ Democratic Socialism kills more people than the Nazies ever dreamed of…

Democratic Socialism kills more people than the Nazies ever dream of…  Here are two articles to concisely support the following axioms...

Democratic Socialism is designed to create a "soft revolution" into Communism by the theological creators of communism.

Every iteration of communism systemically commits a Red Holocausts against hundreds of millions of people, and actually increases the percentage of the population who experience poverty.  Venezuela has proven the elaborate lie from The Swamp, is continually attractive to the young and ignorant.  Education truly the only way to inoculate ourselves to this homicidal lunacy.  In addition, why it is safe to say that all statists are literally mentally ill.

Helping others is great, and thus it is essential to give at most 20% of our annual income to charity. Abandon this foolish notion of government benevolence, suggest to do I.  Services performed by charities are infinitely more efficient and effective than any government has been, is, or ever will be...


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 5 ♥ 1 0 ♥ Bhaal'Daes ♥ Captain Marvel Review

 As a fan of the Marvel Cinemaverse from its inception, it is easy say this is a good movie, feel do I.  It follows the basic formula of the Hero’s Journey that makes for a good movie.  The character is supposed to initially be as stoic as Spock, thus that complaint about Ms. Larson is bereft of merit. Overall, the character would be better off with a couple more movies to define her audience and character herself, think do I.

It is amazing how far all pundits have over reacted to Ms. Larson’s comments.  Of course, what she said was still retarded because most of the audience for comic book movies are male, so it stands to reason most critics are male.  Of course there are gal fans and that is applauded by me.  However, a standard rule of success in business is to reach for a wider audience ’without’ alienating the existing fans.

Captain Marvel gets a ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ from me.  It is a fun comic book origin story, however the lack of a romance subplot retards the appeal towards a wider audience. However, the movie was already very busy with plot threads, so it would have taken a major overhaul of the basic outline to make room, think do I.

That is to suggest the movie is far better than the reviews on Youtube have suggested, feel do I.  All of the S.J.W. {Social Justice Warriors} issues that triggered certain people, failed to exist in the movie itself.  It was simply Ms. Larson running her mouth off about which subjects she is abundantly ignorant.  


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 5 ♥ 0 8 ♥ Ka'Daes ♥ NetFlix Re: The Order

The Order {2019} show falls far short of its massive potential.  The primary problem is that in the first three episodes the directors, producers, writers, and actors all collectively fail to even hint at the answer to four of the five cardinal questions of why, where, what, and who.  Writing a good story is understandably more difficult than may be taken for granted;  However, the existing relationships seem very stereotypical to me.  If you fear spoilers, you may want to avoid this review.

[Why] The most basic ‘why’ is why is the protagonist Mr. Jack Morton, the underdog, special enough for the Ms. Vera Stone to choose an action, that significantly risks her own neck…?…  Why does the Police Homicide Detective Hayashi immediately zero in on Mr. Morton as the killer…?…  Why does Mr. Edward Covington fail to recognize a kid that should look very close to himself and his long lost beau…?…  ‘Cause the first episode in and it is obvious that Mr. Peter Morton is the bad guy, with his obsessive compulsive disorder and complete lack of regard for the situation his grandson.

At this point, Mr. Jack Morton should be questioning the verity of everything he was told about Mr. Covington, since he learned they mess with people’s memory/reality.  So why is Mr. Covington assumed to be the killer of Mr. Morton's mother…?… The mere existence of a murder board fails to equal proof, let alone overwhelming proof.

Despite what some may claim, the answer to this question simply must be hinted at within the first three episodes, think do I.  That is only if the writer, et cetera, want the audience to continue watching their show.

[Where] Where are they that a college bar serves alcohol to under'age freshman…?… Where are Mr. Morton’s friends from High School…?…  Where is his frat house, if he is pledged to a co’ed fraternity that fails to exist…?…  Where are the blatant consequences that should be rebounded back to Mr. Morton stealing thousands of dollars…?…  He may have fooled the casher to let him walk out the door, but then that casher should be fired and thrown behind bars for "stealing".

[How] How can an Honor Roll student even 'want' to do nothing but drink and hang out with friends thirteen hours a day…?…  The first class is Ethics, and they want me to believe that a 4.0 student is willing to cheat with majik…?… No.

Regardless of the common sense of avoiding cheating with majik, at miskatonik university.  In addition, he romantically likes his “tutor”, but is willing to endanger Ms. Alyssa Drake's own academic record, as his tutor, with his use of unsanctioned majik…?…  Again, no thank you…

[What] What does Ms. Drake have against dating a Freshman…?…  a remark that seems to come out of left field, and she basically ignores her own rule because…?… is she perpetually horny…?…  What actual evidence is there that Covington is guilty of what Mr. Peter Morton claims?

Perhaps Mr. Morton's O.C.D. behavior was what killed his daughter.  Then Covington comes up with his plan to take a blender to everyone's recollection of history.  Instead of Mr. Morton blaming himself, that leaves just enough memories for him to blame Mr. Covington


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 0 8 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Re: Trump Accused Of HYPOCRISY Over National Emergency

[HYPOCRISY] Again statists in both political pseudo'parties fall far short of understanding what "National Emergency" means.  P.o.t.U.S. Donald John Trump already made the case for the Legislatures' failure to solve the boarder crises, and more than a super'majority of citizens agree with the idea that it is a "National Emergency" as he defines it. Therefore, the courts will be throwing out all litigation addressing it; That is what they do when, lame duck sore losers, force them to face 'governing policy', instead of actual law.

[LAWSUIT] The statists' response of trying to 'litigate' their policies was expected, and it will end in failure. That is why it took three years to happen, P.o.t.U.S. Trump was moving the chess pieces on the board. This is all just the endgame of a game, that they have already lost... and, they will fail to get any medal for it.

[LAMEDUCK SORE LOOSERS] The only chance the statists had was the recent midterm election. The Deep State needed to win both houses of the legislative branch, for the Supreme Court to consider it the 'will of our society'. Yet they fell far short, and they let P.o.t.U.S. Trump paint them, with neon pastel colors, as the Bad Guy with the recent government shutdown.

As has been said many times, plebeians know whether they have a job, and if their paychecks are bigger; Regardless of what the Ls.M. says. That is why Reagan did, and why P.o.t.U.S. Trump will, win re'election. In addition, there may be one or two good reporters, but at the end of the day even Sean Hannity was overruled in showing his "Clinton'Gate" special of Dec'18.

In the modern times, what many people seem to be missing is that the only people who watch the Ls.M. for news, are the mentally ill. [1]  By mental illness, it means that at one or more points, the psyche in question fails. They simply fail to follow the tracks of logic and reason; One, or two, of the steps simply escape their perceived reality. {12, 3, & 4}  Such as the Psychology 101 video of the basketball playing Gorilla.

Mr. Tim Pool {1, 2, & 3}, seemingly the previous description fails to describe you as far as what can be seen by me. You use empirical evidence, logic, and reasoning, think do I. Why you insist on calling yourself a Democrat is beyond the understanding of mine. The statists and theologians of your party kicked all liberals out, before either of us were born. {1, 2, & 3}  Goldwater's Republicans are the ones who pushed forward the Civil Rights Acts starting in 1964.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 3 ♥ 1 5 ♥ Ka'Daes ♥ Socialism

The road to socialism only leads to Communism.  Socialism is an empirical path to unadulterated failure.  Communism is also provably a path to failure.  By provable, it is meant that the governments fail to do their job for their citizens.  Of course, there are modern examples of North Korea and Cuba, that persist despite their systemic perpetual failure.

Studying why the governments of those states persist is more in the real of sociology, and propaganda, than the realm of economics and bureaucracy.

FurtherMore, suggesting the heavily socialized states, of California and/or New York in the federation of the United States of America, are somehow a good example is abundantly false.  Both examples are only able to survive because of the other 48 states funding the crazy.  Neither state produces enough of its own water, food, power, et cetera to supply their citizens.

In addition, those states are unable to even balance their own budgets.  Instead, they expect the rest of the federation to pay the massive debt generated by two failing states.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 3 ♥ 1 5 ♥ Bhaal'Daes ♥ Lyrics Ad'Libbed ♥ Jo Jo Siwa: Hold the Karma

Hold the Karma

It's so crazy crazy crazy when they serve you with karma,
I won't play it, play it, play it, I just do what I wanna,
You could take a pic if you'd like to, but you better be quick cause I might move,
Yeah I'm livin' that life, that's what I do,
I'm livin' that life…

If they're coming at me I'll say no,
Tell 'em I don't wanna deal no more,
Wrap it up, tie it up with a bow oh oh ay oh,
I don't wanna get old too fast,
I wanna make these good times last,
See me whip my hair like that,
And if they push I'll say,
I just wanna dance…
I just wanna dance…
Hold the karma,
I just wanna dance…
I just wanna dance…

Haters gonna say it, say it, say it, just to hear their own voices,
But I keep slayin', slayin', slayin', cooking up my good choices,
I keep a lot of friends 'cuz I'm loyal,
Treat 'em real real nice like their royal,
So you never could say I'm spoiled, uh,
Yeah, I'm livin' my life…

If they're coming at me I'll say no,
Tell 'em I don't wanna deal no more,
Wrap it up, tie it up with a bow oh oh ay oh,
I don't wanna get old too fast,
I wanna make these good times last,
See me whip my hair like that,
And if they push I'll say,
I just wanna dance…
I just wanna dance…
Hold the karma,
I just wanna dance…
I just wanna dance…

Hold the karma,
Okay, here we go,
Come on dance,
Hold the karma,
Come on,
Turn the music up louder,
We're gonna dance,
In 5, 6, 7, 8…

If they're coming at me I'll say no,
Tell 'em I don't wanna deal no more,
Wrap it up, tie it up with a bow oh oh ay oh,
I don't wanna get old too fast,
I wanna make these good times last,
See me whip my hair like that,
And if they push I'll say,
I just wanna dance…
I just wanna dance…
Hold the karma,
I just wanna dance…
I just wanna dance…

If you're dancing and they love it,
Then they'll just hold the karma,
If you're dancing and they love it,
Then they'll just hold the karma,
If you're dancing and they love it,
Then they'll just hold the karma,
If you're dancing and they love it,
Then they'll just hold the karma,
I just wanna dance… dance like this.

The changes are made from an effort to help the good message of the song to achieve greater accuracy and precision, think do I.  Of course, Jo Jo Siwa is free of any obligation to react to this version.  Please feel free to share any suggestions on how to further help the song.  

Karma/Sin, loosely translates as service'to'self oriented choices made in our lives, from the understanding of mine.  It is opposed by Virtue, and that is why some may feel that increasing it in our lives is a good choice.

Drama translates with greater accuracy and precision, as both Virtue and Karma simultaneously regardless of context, think do I.  Thus this effort to create alternate lyrics for the fantabulous song, by JoJo Siwa.  However, this exists only as an effort to adjust the distortion lens{1} of mine.

♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 3 ♥ 1 5 ♥ Bhaal'Daes ♥ Lyrics Ad'Libbed ♥ JoJo Siwa: Every Girl is a SuperGirl

All are a Superhero

Maybe you noticed something about us,
The things we do so well,
We do it better when we're together,
And everyone can tell…

We show up for each other,
Listen up to each other,
It's a real kind of power,
And we're making it ours…

We look up to each other,
Looking out for one another,
It's a real kind of power,
An we're making it ours…

Look out, we're coming your way,
Shout out, got something to say yeah,
We save the day everyday, oh,
Hey! Every girl's a Supergirl…

Fearless, unstoppable,
Courageous, invincible,
We're human, unshakable,
Every boy's a Superboy…

Friendly, relatable,
Like diamonds, unbreakable,
Down to earth, we run the world,
Every girl's a Supergirl…

You've got a story, so don't you worry,
Say what you need to say,
This is your chapter, happy ever after,
Live everyday that way…

We show up for each other,
Listen up to each other,
It's a real kind of power,
And we're making it ours…

We look up to each other,
Looking out for one another,
It's a real kind of power,
An we're making it ours…

Look out, we're coming your way,
Shout out, got something to say yeah,
We save the day everyday, oh,
Hey! Every girl's a Supergirl…

Fearless, unstoppable,
Courageous, invincible,
We're human, unshakable,
Every boy's a Superboy…

Friendly, relatable,
Like diamonds, unbreakable,
Down to earth, we run the world,
Every girl's a Supergirl…

Lemme hear ya…!…

Look out, we're coming your way,
Shout out, got something to say yeah,
We save the day everyday, oh,
Hey! Every boy's a Superboy…

Fearless, unstoppable,
Courageous, invincible,
We're human, unshakable,
Every girl's a Supergirl…

Friendly, relatable,
Like diamonds, unbreakable,
Down to earth, we run the world,
Every boy's a Superboy.

This a gender egalitarian effort to create alternate lyrics for the wonderstrukk song, by Ms. JoJo Siwa, think do I.  However, this exists only as an effort to adjust the unique distortion lens{1} of mine.  As of course, Ms. Siwa is free of all obligation to react in any way to this adlibbing of her song.

In modern society, there is a ludicrous amount of division between gender, race, politics, et cetera feel do I.  In addition these changes more closely align the overall positive affirmations that seem to be the overall scope of Ms. Siwa, apparent to the unique distortion lens of mine.

Please feel free to share any suggestions to enhance the lyrics of the song further.  However, please be acknowledge that doing so is charity;  Should this 'site not be unknown to Ms. Siwa, and she manifests a want to use the suggestions.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Netflix: Io

The 🎥 movie 🎥 has just been started by me.  This account will be updated after it is finished.  However, this bit seems very important to the distortion lens of mine.  A fundamental problem modern writers often have, is with the context of the post'apocalypse.  They often start a story off with "all of humanity did this…";  Unfortunately Mr. Jonathan Helpert falls into that crowd, think do I.

The flaw is thinking that there only exists one viable answer to any given problem.  They assume that because they are ignorant of why oxygen remains, that it is inevitable that it will disappear.  Adoptinga path from a prediction based in ignorance is an insane choice.   Then the author further compounds the error by assuming, that in the event such a great tragedy were to occur, there is only one solution, feel do I.  This is inherent in suggesting that only one group survived… the one that is self'named the 'Exodus' group.

These mistakes are compounded by suggesting that humanity as a whole all built starships to launch on the exact same year, day, hour, minute, and second.  It is ludicrous to even consider, because crowds fail to behave such as that.  Others would have proposed viable solutions that would  have resulted in more communities than the hermit and Io.

Of course, the mere existence of the protagonist inherently contradicts that whole chain of assumptions.  Yet the writer treats the artificially narrow and rigid thinking, as if its noteworthiness is lacking.  Suspension of Disbelief is real and good, but some modern writers seem to choose to use it as a crutch to beat the audience over the head with political dogma.

This could be a strong source as to why a few sapient choose to not realize that Climate Change is  occurring on all planets in our solar system according to N.A.S.A.'s own studies.  This could also be exacerbated by the Deep State owning ninety’one percent of all media companies that pay writers of fiction tries to treat the debunked hypothesis as pseudo'fact.

Of course, this is just unsubstantiated conjecture, but it seems doubtful that many sapients have been using gasoline burning engines on Pluto, Charon, Mercury, Mars, Juptiter, and its moons, Saturn, and its moons, Neptune, and its moons, Uranus, and its moons, Nibiru {Planet IX}, and any moons it may or may not have.  It is precisely because our sun is spewing more radiation that we know that even Pluto has an atmosphere.  Said atmosphere is changing and becoming more energetic.

The choice to write with the context of fiction, tragedies, and/or comedies are big ones because it limits the audience.  The choice to write with the context of Science Fiction, limits it even further.  Therefore, why a lot of modern writers feel compelled based their context of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Post’ Apocalypse on political dogma seems greatly beyond all rational or logical thought.

This is similar to how many artists feel compelled to be political.  The public may follow an actor but that is because of their art.  That choice is free of any relevancy to the actor’s political beliefs.  The plebeian desire is only in so far as to be entertained.  Being insulted. degraded, demeaned, and censored for simply chooseing an opposing perception fails to come even close to entertaining to plebeians, think do I.

Watching or reading novels with a context that is based on horrendously and blatantly flawed context also falls short of being entertaining to plebeians,, feel do I.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 2 ♥ 1 4 ♥ Bhaal'Daes ♥ The Incredible Hulk's Future in Avengers

Dr. Bruce Banner is a different type of superhero and Marvel has failed to really do him right; Kind of like the Superman curse, with which certain writers seem afflicted.   That is they have trouble knowing how to write a movie where fighting should only ever be at the end and as the last straw, because he will always win.

That is just an integral part of the character, for the same reason Captain America was able to go toe to toe, in strength, with Thanos wearing an Infinity Gauntlet.  Their strength is literally indomitable, but seemingly a lot of script writers seem to get hit with the stupid stick when writing a Hulk movie.  That is because they seem to think that people want to see a whole 2/3 hour movie of him playing whackamole with Loki.

Conversely, the audience can be easily be mislead by advertising for a Hulk movie, by studio execs who make the mistake of advertising it as a rocky type type superhero movie.  Only for the audience to be shown a romantic comedy/tragedy with a cameo of the Hulk.  NeverTheLess, expecting your entire audience to be ignorant of one of the founding movies of the Marvel Cinemaverse;  Only serves to insult those viewers who do remember.

Ed Norton was an awesome Hulk, think do I.  Sadly and seemingly, his High Self allowing his Ego to get in the way of the Marvel Cinemaverse is a felicitous tragedy, all by itself.  A hypothesis of mine is for Marvel Entertainment to support the best of both worlds.  Continue with Mark Ruffalo's promised minimovie through the Avengers movies, and have Ed Norton continue his T.I.H. series.  The scripts for either movie would come from the same timeline... so what happens in Avengers effects the world depicted in the solo movie arc, and  vice’a’versa.

However, don't feel bad because the M.C.U. Writers {1} too, seem to be writing the Dr. Banner as if T.I.H. is invisible, while officially saying the opposite.  For instance, why is Bruce forgetting about the obsessive compulsive reciprocating love affair he has with Betty Ross, and giving Black Widow gugu eyes…?…

As for letting two, Ed Norton and Mark Ruffalo, actors portraying literally the same character.  James Bond anyone?  As long as it is officially acknowledged and they are both proper movies vaguely following “The Hero’s Journey”, the fans will love it, think do I.  It allows us to have more great superhero movies, if done correctly audiences from different genres will have a taste of the M.C.U., and it meshes better with Marvel Entertainment's already heavy work load with their existing decade long production schedule.  Deadpool, Captain Marvel, Ant’Man, et cetera already have taken them by surprise and made the timeline distorted.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 2 ♥ 1 3 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Avengers: Endgame Hypo’Crafting

Admitedly, the producers and directors of the Marvel Cinemaverse, are seemingly big on “redemption” of those very far aligned towards service’to’self. Thus the idea of Thanos reversing the snap has merity. However, seemingly part of Dr. Strange’s plan was for Thanos to slide a facet of the Time Stone from its own ‘future’. That is what caused the destruction of the Infinity Gauntlet in the possession of Thanos.

The Infinity Gauntlet was being compelled to create a future that was directly incompatable with the origin timeline of the Time Stone used in the gauntlet. Didn’t notice how neither Dr. Strange nor Thanos actually touched the Time Stone? Seemingly they held it by it’s aura... or whatever that was around it. Therefore, that was part of Dr. Strange’s plan, to destroy Thanos’s greatest weapon, the gauntlet.

As with the release of the annoucnement trailer for Avengers: Endgame... Mr. Tony Stark is in a bad way... however you are right.  Dr. Strange’s actions lead to Tony staying alive, and realizing his Ironman suit could make Thanos bleed.

The answer that is of want by me is Deadpool uses Cable’s time watch to save Mr. Stark .. cleaning up the timeline. :) However, it is likely the answer seems to be both teamwork and family. Dr. Strange already DID use his greatest weapon free of Thanos even realizing he was being manipulated by some Dues Machina.

Ultimately, we know whatever happens, Mr. Stark will survive because he still has to ensure a future for the Stark family. Mrs. Pepper Potts needs to start popping out kids, the family can obviously afford to be big, and even our own modern knowledge could ensure Mrs. Potts continued in great health during and after the pregnancies. 

In addition, Spiderman: Homecoming II is already in production, thus the kid is brought back. Thus we know whatever happens involves at least his, ressurection. It seem very probable others such as Vision and T’Challa will accompany him. However, it seems also probable that there will be a few such as Gamora who will stay dead... ok the characters involved have just as much motivation to see her return, however the point is they are likely to maintain the theme that this is a war.  One of the Cardinal Pillars to the M.C.U. that attracts so many is it’s contuity and consistency.

In any war, even innocents die and especially soldiers. For the audience, to “feel” this and have the emotional payoff at the end of “The Hero’s Journey” the characters that die have to have a connection with the audience. That means important characters, that drastically change the reality of those with strong relationships with them. Such as Gamora, Star Lord, and her adopted’sister, Nebula... and others obviously. Furthermore, the audience has been reminded that she spent most of her life as Thanos’s right hand of death killing many. It is “recent” that she is redeaming herself.

As for everyone else, God of Lightning Thor Odinson already proved his combat superiority over the army corps of Thanos and himself.  Thor single handedly turned the tide of a battle that appeared to be headed towards another “fawless victory” for the army corps of Thanos.  The annoucnement trailor for Captain Marvel has shown her appearing to be just as powerful as Thor, if not more.  The trailer put her dangerously close to the territory of being a Mary Sue, think do I.   Of course, the movie will still be seen in theaters by me. The trailor for Avengers: Endgame also seems to suggest that Ant’man may also figure into how they achieve victory in the jaws of defeat. …

Vision is a connundrum to be sure, he admitted his psyche was a product of the Mind Gem’s personality just as much as Mr. Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. program. It is a hypothesis of mine, that connection has enabled Vision to continue even when without the corporeal bio’synthetioc shell, yet be stuck with the Mind Gem. Whatever happens he may be the one to turn the tide via manipulating Thanos.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 0 2 ♥ 0 8 ♥ Tiamat'Daes ♥ 2036 Origin Unknown

 Typically movies are simply enjoyed by me, instead of psychee analysing them, or nitpicking various scenes.  However, this movie by NetFlix is mischaracterized as simply a science fiction, when it is more aptly is a tragic horror sci-fi story, think do I.

What is scary is that anyone would think giving control of any project over to an unknown machine intelligence is a good idea.  Furthermore, the writer and NetFlix erroneously choose to think the ending is anything, but the most horrid tragic ending imaginable.

Seriously, it is presented in the same lot as {2001: A Space Odyssey}.  Except even Kubrick understood machine intelligences are far from our friends.