[LAWSUIT] The statists' response of trying to 'litigate' their policies was expected, and it will end in failure. That is why it took three years to happen, P.o.t.U.S. Trump was moving the chess pieces on the board. This is all just the endgame of a game, that they have already lost... and, they will fail to get any medal for it.
[LAMEDUCK SORE LOOSERS] The only chance the statists had was the recent midterm election. The Deep State needed to win both houses of the legislative branch, for the Supreme Court to consider it the 'will of our society'. Yet they fell far short, and they let P.o.t.U.S. Trump paint them, with neon pastel colors, as the Bad Guy with the recent government shutdown.
As has been said many times, plebeians know whether they have a job, and if their paychecks are bigger; Regardless of what the Ls.M. says. That is why Reagan did, and why P.o.t.U.S. Trump will, win re'election. In addition, there may be one or two good reporters, but at the end of the day even Sean Hannity was overruled in showing his "Clinton'Gate" special of Dec'18.
In the modern times, what many people seem to be missing is that the only people who watch the Ls.M. for news, are the mentally ill. [1] By mental illness, it means that at one or more points, the psyche in question fails. They simply fail to follow the tracks of logic and reason; One, or two, of the steps simply escape their perceived reality. {1, 2, 3, & 4} Such as the Psychology 101 video of the basketball playing Gorilla.
Mr. Tim Pool {1, 2, & 3}, seemingly the previous description fails to describe you as far as what can be seen by me. You use empirical evidence, logic, and reasoning, think do I. Why you insist on calling yourself a Democrat is beyond the understanding of mine. The statists and theologians of your party kicked all liberals out, before either of us were born. {1, 2, & 3} Goldwater's Republicans are the ones who pushed forward the Civil Rights Acts starting in 1964.
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