
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 5 ♥ 1 1 ♥ 1 8 ♥ Bhaal'Daes ♥ Disney Rehires Mr. James Gunn & Replaces Ms. Kathleen Kennedy with Me.

Seemingly, the author of that YouTube video fails to understand for what S.J.W. {Social Justice Warrior} stands, think do I.  Did they watch G.o.t.G. I &/ II…?…  Where exactly is the #statist ideology being obscenely propogandized…?…  Necrophilia is wrong elsewhere on the internet, so why is this different…?…

This is very similar to someone making a Great War movie that becomes a blockbuster;  So abruptly, a century after the series of ears, people abruptly choose to want to make Germany to pay reparations.  That is just one example, how about a movie illustrating the plantation owner roots of the Democrat Party, or how they voted against the Republican Party backed Civil Rights of the 1960s/70s…

Speaking of crime…  where is it?  People are choosing to get all bent out of shape because Mr. Gunn chose to repeat/retweet a couple bad jokes?  Certainly the jokes are very bad;   Yet that is a crime now…?…

It is said conservatives are pushing this tragedy:   So they ask statists to calm down on P.o.t.U.S. Trump zinger jokes & his efforts to intentionally 'trigger' the L.S.M.;  Yet they are all for ruining Mr. Gunn's career over a couple words they choose to dislike…?…  apparently more than just statists are a bunch of hypocritical bigots, feel do I..

Personal responsibility is big with me, but so is liberty.   Tuerefore, what is the crime Mr. Gunn committed…?…  Currently, it is still legal to have an acquaintance be a pedofile.

Sure the acquaintance is very bad news, but our society has regressed back into tarring and feathering a deviant's family, friends, and acquaintances…?…  How many generations deep does this go…?…  Sounds very similar to policies governing Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Syria, North Korea, & China, to me…

What country is left, that actually respects individual liberty, above and beyond mob and the Swamp, ask do I…?…

So to the entire media and world, "…congradulations on ruining someone's life, just so you can fell better about themself by stepping on someone else."  Thus the idea of 🐭Disney🦆 reversing their incredibly shortsighted and horrid decision of firing Mr. Gunn, is a prayer of mine.

The reason is simple, unlike Ms. Kathleen Kennedy, Mr. Gunn exceeds Disney's expectations.  His ideas create half a billion dollars in profit, instead of her ideas which brings ruin to a multi billion dollar franchise.  The comparison is sadtell do I, because it would be awesome for a female executive to be just as successful, if not moreso;  Yet that is the situation, and thus it is retarded to fire him but keep her.

What makes it even worse is that in stark contrast to Ms {really because who would marry such a toxic pill of poisonif they had a choice} Kennedy,  Mr. Gunn has sincerely apologized numerous times in the past and willingly did so againwithout hesitation or prompting from Disney, while  they deliberated.  It was also an actual apology, instead of the "…sorry, not sorry…" we get from FemiNazies and S.J.W.s.

Thusvirtually, by metaphysically Disney's reactionary decision is monolithically moronically retarded.  It's like we are watching Dumb & Dumber 3, except it's real and so Disney seems oblivious to how they are humiliating themselves, think do I.

Others of like mind, please join the 🙏prayer🙏 of mine… 

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