1 3 ❤ 0 0 ❤ 0 2 ❤ 0 9 ❤ 0 4 ❤ Dies Ma: Interstellar Travel, Climate Change, Democracy, & Revolution
You want to advance interstellar travel the fastest? Remove all government benevolence programs, regulations, and switch to the #FairTax. Instead facilitate law & order without prejudice; Then facilitate, encourage, and promote abundant competition and #FreeMarkets in all sectors of the economy.
Why don't we expel money? because #statism has been tried a ludicrous amount of times already; And every time it fails. #DistrictofColumbia's current example of how statism fails is just the latest example.
Cronyism with the Government giving special privileges to mega corporations that bribe them is what America has had since the early 1900s. That is why leaves the citizen or populus with pollution and other disasters.
Those who choose to believe #Climate #Change is caused by our society should be aware that Government Cronyism is directly responsible for nearly everything they complain about. Companies are like Meth addicts and will always want to bribe politicians susceptible to being bribed, for special privileges that short term thinking deduces will get them money.
Instead, attack the problem at the source by removing money from at least half of Congress and the entire Executive branch. I am all for expelling money from politics? Return the Senate and President of the United States {PotUS} to their original selection methods as outlined by our constitution. We have failed to follow that document since PotUS Woodrow Wilson took office.
What this does is allow more citizens to run to represent their state as a United States Senator. In any state there are only a handful of people who have access to attract enough 'investors' to successfully run and win a seat in the U.S. Senate.
Each member of the United States House of Representatives only represents about a hundred and fifty thousand people. That is significantly less than the constituents of a Senator. That means to us that it is cost prohibitive for any organization or cabal to 'control' the House of Representatives through its members. There are simply too many representatives, to do that and it is entirely too easy to 'replace' said representative as they each only serve a 2 year term.
So even if 'they' did successfully 'purchase' a representative? their constituents will quickly find out and vote a replacement. Convincing 150k citizens to vote for a driven individual, is ridiculously easier than any state's populous.
Myriadly more expensive than running to be a US Senator is Running for PotUS. Though as a benefit a candidate only qualifies if they are a citizen, supposedly. Another benefit, is that all Presidents are limited to two terms in office. That lowers the attractiveness of investing in a candidate to be PotUS. This is why business leaders and companies will 'donate' to multiple candidates, and pray to the Lord that one of them will win.... Lord of Hell that is.
PotUS Theodore Roosevelt Jr, wanting to run for a third term of office is why the Libertarian minded lead Congress amended the constitution to prohibit citizens from serving more than two terms in the office of PotUS. This may shock many US citizens but yes, old news is what Barry Soetoro was even before he was sworn into office in 2009.
It is a grievous error to deduce that the historical failure of Statism, is a cause for a reduction in will or vigilance against it.
Alexis de Tocqueville
- "Statists are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom."
- “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money
- “There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but Libertarian Party is the only one principle and with virtue.”
- “Slavery, Racism, & Misogyny...dishonors labor. It introduces idleness into society, and with idleness, ignorance and pride, luxury and distress. It enervates the powers of the mind and benumbs the activity of man.”
- "Necessary to secure Individual Liberty, is Law & Order in equity."
Elmer T. Peterson
- "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
PotUS Thomas Jefferson
- "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who fail to." = Government benevolence programs, i.e. Social Security, Obamacare, Medicaid
When we are born, we leave the womb and pass through a non's {woman} vagina. That is the most base reasoning and why the Vagina is the most Holy orifice a nen {human, homosapien} can develop. Every child has the capability to be male or female, our X/Y chromosome only really comes into play when we hit puberty. Then the differences between female and male become biochemical in nature.
The facet of the Divine that shows us a clear path to righteousness is the feminine Goddess. That means the Divine's male facet shows us the path to the Lord of Chaos, or whatever you want to call Him.
That is the most base reason one of the most mentally deficient ways to choose to think or feel is misogynism.
However, that benefit has been overcome by the nefarious wannabe shadow government cabals. There are only a handful of people whom soul chose to be born from the right parents and lived the right life, in order to attract enough 'investors' to run for the office.
I imagine PotUS Barry Soetoro will go down in history for many things, but one among them will be the first illegal PotUS as the 'live' #Birth #Record from Hawaii that he provided only makes him an immigrant. Moreover, he himself claimed #Financial #Aid from #DistrictofColumbia
Ridiculously more successful in swaying any society is peaceful civil disobedience. Armed/violent civil disobedience encourages anarchy which is a direct enemy of individual liberty and our own volition. Anyone suggesting armed insurrection is either delusional, or simply trying to get you killed.
America's Founding Fathers gave us a Republic instead of a Democracy because they learned from history that they always fail eventually. They wanted to give us {their descendants} a better world than what they lived in. We will resume doing that when we force our governments through abundant peaceful civil disobedience to return the government to be what the original constitution would lead to in equity.
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