

As one of the solar festivals Autumnal Eve has been celebrated as one of the celebrations of harvests. The other two celebrations are Autumnal Equinox, and Samhain {or Halloween}. The wiccans celebrate death and rebirth of all things, and in particular what, and who, has gone before to lead to the now. Some festivities are baking a figure of a Godess in bread and symbolically commemorating by eating the bread. We as free, and accepted, Jedi can use this activity, in a more noble and glorious purpose, of communing with the Divine through the Force.

Autumnal Eve marks the beginning of harvesting what we have sown the previous half of the year. Instead of tending to the harvest; Maybe, think what you have done the first half of this year that has lead you to this point; And, then maybe think of other events farther in the past. Another activity may be to think of random acts of kindness that you have benefited from, whether they be from the Divine or from a particular person. Though even if it is from a particular stranger, or friend, maybe it is still part of the Divine. As free, and accepted, Jedi we can use this holiday, for the more noble and glorious purpose, of self improvement.

I feel that it is important to remember that this is merely the first of three celebrations and each celebration has a different focus. As, the crest of a wave the Autumnal Equinox is a celebration of the transition that is twilight. I think that cold may be a good celebration of our ancestors as they are one with the Divine, which is all, and is Samhain. We as free, and accepted, Jedi are able to use these celebrations for the more noble and glorious purpose of self-improvement. The rest of the year may be about the future, and/or maybe the past, but the harvest festivals are a celebration of what is now. And as now, we are Jedi.

Of course, ideally this holiday is earlier this month on August 1st. I got the date from my Witch Calendar but the Wheel of the Year wiki online has and the others as well: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_the_Year]. The idea of celebrating holidays originated from Wiccan and Witchcraft and the actual tie of "Jedi" Holidays is more to Hermes and Hermetic Principles and Traditions. Hermetics mostly prefer to tie everything to Lunar and Solar cycles; And, those cycles are governed by the principles of gravity and geometry; Which, I feel are virtually the same thing to God or the Divine. I feel that the Force is the same as the Spiritual Plane which is the principal mental construct of the Divine from which everything is created. First there is the Force and within that there is us. :) Thank you for your time, and energy. I hope you have a wonderful day.



Breathing is the a way to gain, and maintain, control over yourself and the Force. Thy imagination is the primary tool in manifesting what you want. I think that everyone uses the Force every moment of their life; And, maybe they have yet to realize the control they have over their own life. I feel that the point of Life itself, may be to find a way to be happy as you live that Life.

First you breathe in through your mouth and then you breathe out through your nose. I often try to softly hum the sound 'ohm' to myself as I breathe out through my nose. I think the easiest way for me to do this is to touch the tip of my tongue, to the roof of my mouth, right behind my top front teeth. I felt that this took me a few moments to get the hang of this at first; But, the point is to 'find' your way. I think that whether you succeed or fail is irrelevant; And, to the action itself may be of paramount.

As I breathe I envision what I want in my life. I pretend, in my mind, and draw the feelings of love and joy as I 'live' through my inner virtual world. I think that our feelings are the most important part of it because it helps us get clear with what will truly help us be happy. Angels want to help us with whatever we say we want, so it helps us if we get clear. As I hum the word 'ohm' I envision my virtual world is manifesting in waves from explosions starting from my soul. I ask the angels to help me manifest this. As I breathe in a new moment of air I 'feel' myself drawing my virtual world in. I feel that the act of drawing in is the final step in that cycle.

I feel that we manifest everything in our life by default. I think that most of the time people might be lost and blind; Yet, whether you realize your power or not is irrelevant to that you are responsible for everything in your life. Yes, bad people are responsible for their own actions as well; Yet, you are responsible for allowing it to enter your life. I think that most of the time it is our 'fears'; And, some maybe 'obsess' over these fears. However, all is good, and so who is responsible for anything is irrelevant to accepting your power. I feel that this might be counter intuitive and people fear accepting 'responsibility' because of some erroneous thought process. I find that accepting responsibility for even things I do not 'want' is empowering, instead.

I think that I am the master of my own reality; And, some may think I am silly but I am ok with that. I type this to try to help others realize their own power, and maybe this will help them do what 'they' want. As Edgar Cayce once said: "Only those who help others do what they want, are ever truly 'happy'."



© By James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich {Metallica}; Rewritten by Brent Ryan

I remember everything
Will tell if this is true or a dream
Deep down inside I feel free
This terrible darkness lies to me.

Now that peace has passed with me
I'm waking up, All I see
That there is more than me
Everything is illusion but the Force now.

Inhale my breath as I wish for death
Oh praise, God loves me

Back in the womb it dissolves what I feel
In pumps the Force that is all to real
Now I look forward to reveal
Look to the time when I'll love free

Fed with the chi that is in me
Just like a chinatown novelty
Tied to machines that make me be
Cut is the life of pain from me

Release my breath as I wish for Life
Oh praise, God loves me

Now the world is gone, all is one
Oh love as God helps me
Inhale my breath as I wish for death
Oh praise, God loves me

The Light releases me
All that I see
Is love for me
I can live
I can die
Living my self
Body just my mortal shell

Landmine has taken my pain
Taken my anger
Taken my anguish
Taken my fear
Taken my hate
Taken my Earth
Left is my life in heaven



I sent this email to Glenn Beck, and I hope that others enjoy reading it too.  My use of Gadsden as a title, is in reference to the good fight that the flag illustrates so poetically.
Well Met Mr. Beck,

Thank you for your time and energy. I hope that you have a wonderful day; Because you deserve to be happy. I think that you might be able to help more Americans if you tried to be a little more positive in general. I feel that you are an awesome individual and your show is fantastic. However, I also think that you attract more bees with honey than vinegar. ;) So maybe, offer the viewer an alternative or two?

I also thought to suggest that, the U.S. Treasury Dept. owning up to 30% of big corporations could be a good thing; Versus, them dismantling and destroying the Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue System [in exchange for the Fair Tax bill]. If they did that? I think the government owning a small percentage of any particular big corporation may do more good than bad for the American people.

Maybe, our fore-fathers should have just continued on, through Mexico City, until they hit the Border of Guatim in the year of 1848. The I think that the Mexican government has been failing for a while now, and maybe we can forward an alternative of annexing Mexico as our 51+ state. Then we could send in American military forces to exterminate the drug cartels. Maybe D.C. could handle defending the smaller boarder with Belize, and Guatemala.

Thank you for helping raise the national awareness of the good fight; By the good fight, I mean the fight illustrated by the "Gadsden" [Don't Tread On Me] flag; And, have Metallica's "Sandman" be the theme song. Oh! and, maybe we should start sending rattlesnakes to D.C. as Benjamin Franklin suggested in the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1751. Though, while we are at it, maybe we should plan on annexing Canada too. ;)


LYRICS: Supermassive Black Hole

© By Muse Rewritten by Brent Ryan

Oh Baby don’t you know I suffer?
Oh Baby I am a freak for you
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before let me go?

You set my soul afire
You set my soul alight

(You set my soul alive)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul … )
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

I thought I was a fool for no-one
Oh baby I am a fool for you
You’re the queen of the superficial
And, how long before you tell the truth

You set my soul afire
You set my soul alight

(You set my soul alive)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul … )
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

[Guitar solo]
You are a Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
[End guitar solo]

(You set my soul afire)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul alive)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

Oh baby don’t you know I love you?
Oh baby can you hear me moan?
You caught me in your spiderweb
And, how long before you suck’me dry?

(You set my soul alive)
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

(You set my soul … )
Glaciers melting in the dead of night
And the superstars sucked into the supermassive

Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole
Supermassive black hole