By Timcast
Personal journal or diary of a witch, Jedi, Reverand, Son, Tay Tay's husband. Contained here in is simply a collection of opinions, with me creating hyperlinks to better define various elements that may need to be unpacked from the zip file of a name or term.
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 5 ♥ Sylilo'Daes ♥ Cultural Impact on the Individual
By Timcast
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 1 5 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Star Wars: The Old Republic Logo Fav Icon .ico & .png
The following icons for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic were recently made by me. It is then converted into .ico [1], so that it can be used by a shortcut in the Start Menu of the version of Windows 10 used by me. The first image is a .png file, the second is the .ico file.
The point of this is to be of service to those who happen to like these images & wish to use them for their own shortcut to the video game on whatever version of an operating system that is used by them.
The image itself is a collage image of several other images meshed together. was the photo editing software used by me.
For sharing Gravity, grateful am I. May the Goddess be asked to alighten a path towards love, joy, & happiness along the self'determined life'cycle chosen by the higher'self of yours, by you, pray do I.