Very few know what the word racism or misogyny means, seems to me. Instead, often people unconsciously choose to use those, words because they are more inflammatory than if they were accurate. Typically what is meant is the subject matter is 'discrimination'.
Discrimination itself is good. We use it every day of our lives from discriminating on what we would 'like' to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We discriminate on what television show or movie we want to watch. More accurately we rarely go a few moments without discriminating about some choice we face during the day.
The super'majority of plebeians know this though, and so that sparks the unconscious desire to make it sound worse because it inspires anger within them. When confronted the typical response is to either accuse their skeptic with being racist/sexist or to try and 'redefine' the words. Ironically the latter is a greater problem than the former.
However, using labels to try and censor someone because you dislike their opinion is fundamentally dangerous and wrong. It increases divisiveness, as we have seen as a result of eight years with P.o.t.U.S. Barry Soetoro. Increasing divisiveness leads to the Dark'Side {Loss, Anger, Sorrow} and increases the pain and suffering experienced by others. Thus censorship is a service'to'self act, feel do I.
Redefining words is a greater problem because it undermines the whole point of language. Language is used to help others understand what you have to say. If we use our own private definitions to words, then we are basically speaking to ourselves. Unless we have a preference to hearing ourselves bloviate, then it is best to stick to definitions we find in Merriam'Webster.
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