Very few know what the word racism or misogyny means, seems to me. Instead, often people unconsciously choose to use those, words because they are more inflammatory than if they were accurate. Typically what is meant is the subject matter is 'discrimination'.
Discrimination itself is good. We use it every day of our lives from discriminating on what we would 'like' to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We discriminate on what television show or movie we want to watch. More accurately we rarely go a few moments without discriminating about some choice we face during the day.
The super'majority of plebeians know this though, and so that sparks the unconscious desire to make it sound worse because it inspires anger within them. When confronted the typical response is to either accuse their skeptic with being racist/sexist or to try and 'redefine' the words. Ironically the latter is a greater problem than the former.
However, using labels to try and censor someone because you dislike their opinion is fundamentally dangerous and wrong. It increases divisiveness, as we have seen as a result of eight years with P.o.t.U.S. Barry Soetoro. Increasing divisiveness leads to the Dark'Side {Loss, Anger, Sorrow} and increases the pain and suffering experienced by others. Thus censorship is a service'to'self act, feel do I.
Redefining words is a greater problem because it undermines the whole point of language. Language is used to help others understand what you have to say. If we use our own private definitions to words, then we are basically speaking to ourselves. Unless we have a preference to hearing ourselves bloviate, then it is best to stick to definitions we find in Merriam'Webster.
Personal journal or diary of a witch, Jedi, Reverand, Son, Tay Tay's husband. Contained here in is simply a collection of opinions, with me creating hyperlinks to better define various elements that may need to be unpacked from the zip file of a name or term.
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 4 ♥ 1 7 ♥ 1 3 ♥ Mar'Duk'Daes ♥ Thrive: What Will It Take…?…
A revolutionary paradigm changing old movie was posted on You'Tube ♥12♥19♥19♥05♥00♥ in the last epoch. As with all knowledge shared by others we must ask the Goddess through our own heart about they verity of the message. Yet the movie is Thrive ~ What On Earth Will It Take…?… Its message carries a very strong sympathetic resonance with my own corner of the Prime Material.
The only cost to watching the movie is a little over two hours of thy time. For that investment, myriad number of brilliant studies performed using the hermetik method all supporting a series of interconnected points that elucidate the Prime Material, in which we all live. It is all information that the kabals would much rather keep hidden, because it helps us understand how to break free of their control.
The movie painstakingly and absolutely illustrates who the kabals are and how exactly the control our minds. It helps us mentally draw the image of the metaphorical matrix they built over a century ago to enslave all plebeians. Then it shows us the steps to take to free ourselves of that matrix.
Just as in the movie, we must accept that the are those among us who will resist this knowledge. They are unwilling to follow us and that is right for them. We are all on our own spiritual journey. There are an infinite number of paths up the mountain of ascension.
However, for those who are willing to listen and comprehend what is being said, this movie will help people understand our world much more thoroughly; Than what the mainstream lies they teach in our schools even pretend to answer.
The evidence is abundantly compelling, however we must show ourselves to think critically and always question any and all information that we encounter. As previously suggested, the ultimate test is to ask Jesus, through the Force, the verity of the information we encounter. Spiritually protect yourself with the lavender flame of the Goddess filling your aura.
All those who suggestion that “the debate is over” or that they have a monopoly on the truth are trying to deceive you. They may honestly believe what they say, but then the source they are parroting is lying to them. Therefore, always be surprising of any and all information and only listen to actual empirical evidence, when it is information you find questionable.
Ignore those who suggest that you are crazy, for accepting the empirical evidence of a conspiracy theory. 'Normal' is one of the lies perpetuated by the kabals to maintain their control. Another lie is convincing the majority of plebeians to fight each other over political parties. They want you “fighting” against the Republicans and Democrats, because that keeps you distracted and from realizing the truth.
Both parties are run by the same kabals that run everything else in our world. Pay attention to the record of politicians that are supposed to represent you. Disregard whatever their hierarchy is in Congress; Because they are evil {selfish and not representing you} if they vote to increase the size and power of the government, except during “election years”. Resist their clever attempts to obfuscate their treason with their own special reasoning on why they 'had' to do it.
However, keep in mind that Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi were right in insisting on limiting themselves to Peaceful Civil Disobedience. In this way, violence fails to ever be acceptable and the net result will grossly harm our cause.
The only cost to watching the movie is a little over two hours of thy time. For that investment, myriad number of brilliant studies performed using the hermetik method all supporting a series of interconnected points that elucidate the Prime Material, in which we all live. It is all information that the kabals would much rather keep hidden, because it helps us understand how to break free of their control.
The movie painstakingly and absolutely illustrates who the kabals are and how exactly the control our minds. It helps us mentally draw the image of the metaphorical matrix they built over a century ago to enslave all plebeians. Then it shows us the steps to take to free ourselves of that matrix.
Just as in the movie, we must accept that the are those among us who will resist this knowledge. They are unwilling to follow us and that is right for them. We are all on our own spiritual journey. There are an infinite number of paths up the mountain of ascension.
However, for those who are willing to listen and comprehend what is being said, this movie will help people understand our world much more thoroughly; Than what the mainstream lies they teach in our schools even pretend to answer.
The evidence is abundantly compelling, however we must show ourselves to think critically and always question any and all information that we encounter. As previously suggested, the ultimate test is to ask Jesus, through the Force, the verity of the information we encounter. Spiritually protect yourself with the lavender flame of the Goddess filling your aura.
All those who suggestion that “the debate is over” or that they have a monopoly on the truth are trying to deceive you. They may honestly believe what they say, but then the source they are parroting is lying to them. Therefore, always be surprising of any and all information and only listen to actual empirical evidence, when it is information you find questionable.
Ignore those who suggest that you are crazy, for accepting the empirical evidence of a conspiracy theory. 'Normal' is one of the lies perpetuated by the kabals to maintain their control. Another lie is convincing the majority of plebeians to fight each other over political parties. They want you “fighting” against the Republicans and Democrats, because that keeps you distracted and from realizing the truth.
Both parties are run by the same kabals that run everything else in our world. Pay attention to the record of politicians that are supposed to represent you. Disregard whatever their hierarchy is in Congress; Because they are evil {selfish and not representing you} if they vote to increase the size and power of the government, except during “election years”. Resist their clever attempts to obfuscate their treason with their own special reasoning on why they 'had' to do it.
However, keep in mind that Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi were right in insisting on limiting themselves to Peaceful Civil Disobedience. In this way, violence fails to ever be acceptable and the net result will grossly harm our cause.
“Instead of eloquence, reason, or logic Government is a Force. Like fire it is useful and partially necessary, but a dangerous & deadly servant; And a fearsome master when without limits.” ~ P.o.t.U.S. George Washington
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