+Barack Obama and +White House, and even +Hillary Clinton recently, displayed abundantly displayed absolute ignorance of united states law. Therefore, #Senator #Tom #Cotton's {@SenTomCotton}, with the support of almost fifty senators and presidential candidates should be indomitably helpful to the @WhiteHouse.
#Secretary of #State #John #Kerry sounded like #PotUS #Barry #Soetoro's secret homosexual lover recently. His intimate love enticing him to forget that during the #Iran {again} #Contras, and while a #US #Senator, @DeptState @JohnKerry actually did #commit #treason by visiting #communist dictator #Daniel #Ortega against #President #Ronald Reagan's wishes. [1]
A more recent example of a secret lovers of #Democrats'-religious-#messiah's outing themselves. By giving aid and comfort to enemies of the #United States is #statist #Senator +Nancy Pelosi. In #2007 she decided to undermine #PotUS +George W Bush by personally giving aid and comfort with #Syria's Muslim dictator #Bashar #Hafez #AlAssad during the second war with #Iraq's dictator #Saddam #Hussein.[1].
Then #Syria openly declared their support for the Iraqi dictator and gave him supplies and military troops. The #CIA under #Barry's administration found #Syria to be where Saddam hid his #Weapons of #Mass #Destruction, in that they used said #WMD's against their own citizens during their civil war that began March 15th, 2015. At that time all PotUS Barry did was decide to deliberately put our troops in harms in that civil war fighting for the beginning formation of I.S.I.S. And I.S.I.L.
In fact POTUS Barry and the PotUS George W Bush, literally created I.S.I.S./I.S.I.L. by forcing Iraq to release the psychopathic mentally ill murdering leader of I.S.I.S./I.S.I.L. from an #Iraqi #prison.. However, that by far fails to be the only time PotUS Barry has committed treason by literally giving national enemies supplies and military troops. The #DistrictofColumbia and the religious Statist movement within the Democrat Party will never willingly hold a trial against Barry because the are #Pragmatic #Bureaucrat statists who love how much the religious movement is growing the size of DistrictofColumbia's POWER. They know that the abundantly successful theoretical impeachment of PotUS Barry would be a field day for the classically liberal minded congressmen.
Such a successful theoretical impeachment of PotUS Barry would give classical liberalism tremendous popularity as it becomes more familiar to American #citizens.
In the past a total of SEVEN [1] #neoliberals of the Democrat Party have violated #US #Law and actually committed treason by #personally visiting enemy dictators WITHIN their own boarders. When anyone objects their regular propaganda outlets spout off why the acts of treason from their precious Senators are protected by our Divine Rights specifically those acknowledged in the US #Constitution.
Therefore, NO... US Court Precedence abundantly absorbs Senator Cotton's,
and almost fifty other Senators', act of sending an letter defining US Law to the leaders of Iran as abundantly legal by statists' own congressional sycophants.
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