By @Accolonn
Vape leaves clouds, instead of ’smoke’. Th two are abundantly empirically different. 😅
Th new Ms. Sylvanas Windrunner looks very different, think do I. She is a lot more emotional than she ever was before, feel do I. Maybe th Jailer returned to her, th other half of her soul…?… 🥳
Th idea that th supermajority of enemies are heroes to th distortion of their own mer-ka-ba, is agreed with by me.
However, given th skill of spycraft shown by Sylvanas, it seems more probably that she already knows her goals are different than what is wanted by th Jailer. The whole point to th mission of hers is to destroy th Shadowlands. Yet obviously, doing so takes more power than she is even close to showing. & she is already th most powerful warrior known to Azathoth. So she needs a First One to do th heavy lifting. 🪐
Hence why Sylvanas started a war that painted her as the bad guy. Remember th recent lines of Mr. Nathanos Blightcaller…?… We are being predictable. We go into th Shadowlands with the assumption that th Maw is evil. This gives her th power necessary to betray Zovaal at th last moment. Since it will take more than th power of any single mortal, even one as powerful as her.
As for who is loved by Sylvanas…?… King Varian Wrynn think do I; NoneTheLess, who knows when it occurred to her but @Accolonn said it himself, she felt next to nothing for anyone since her raising as a Banshee. Yet when King Wrynn died, she did feel something. & the idea of him spending an eternity enslaved to th purpose of th Shadowlands, inspired her to destroy it all. Why this strong of a reaction? She was horrified by identifying with the idea of being enslaved to the will of another. She previously had been enslaved to the will of Prince Arthas of Menethil in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
This is why in the recent cinematic Sylvanas keeps affectionately calling King Anthuin Lothar as little lion. The final nail in this coffin is a simple, who exactly was or is stopping her from loving Nathanos? She may have been bereft th emotion but she knows th mechanics of how a relationship works. Yet, there are a number of people & even factions that would try to stop, her from loving Varian.
As for Nathanos…?… He may be obsessed with Sylvanas, suggest do I. Yet, in life she was too narcissistic to love anyone, even herself. Maybe it began as something innocent but the end result shows whatever emotion that was inspired within her, faded even before her death, think do I.
People like that tend to be self-destructive, hence Sylvanas constantly sought bigger challenges, & as a member of th xenophobic High Elf state, she choose to accept th romantic advancements from Sir Nathanos Marris, think do I. Ironically, that probably also spurred some more self-flagellation by her. However, instead of dying she became the greatest ranger ever known. Why else do you think she put herself in a position to die by th hand of Prince of Menethil…?…
Sure Ranger General Sylvanas Windrunner gave Ranger Nathanos Marris an I-Love-You necklace, but she kind of had to show some kind of affection to keep him invested in th relationship, feel do I. Yet as undeath, why has she only ever shown disdain for him, in response to his constantly show of affection towards her? & his constant rationalizing excuses for why she refuses to reciprocate.
That particular plot in the story is also why Nathanos was retconned into being far more annoying & irritating to the player, think do I. It would be bad if most players actually liked him. There are a few newer players who even fail to realize at all, that he has been retconned.