
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 1 4 ♥ Sol'Daes ♥ Re: Women struggle to find good men...

Women struggle to find good men...
  1. Most date "bad boys" until their 30+.  
  2. Feminazis have made a concerted effort to criminalize 'approaching' women.  How is a guy supposed to know what is going in anyone else's head, let alone a woman?  
    • If a woman doesn't like a guy who approaches with innocent/harmless romantic action, it is now automatic sexual harassment.
    • The same innocent/harmless action done by a guy who the woman does like, then he is the only one who avoids being thrown in jail.
    • Why should a guy risk the rest of their lives being ruined and possible jail time... for a woman who even if they do marry... are just as likely to file for divorce a year later?
    • More and more guys are just passing on that calculus equation, and journo'lists and Feminazis are surprised?
    • That is what unadulterated "#MeToo" has done to society.  There has been some good, but to ignore the bad is equally as horrid.
  3. Women are all for earning more money but when they get it?  Then it seems people who make 'less' are considered "... below their class/level...".
Repeating the same action repeatedly and expecting a different result each time is a very good definition for insanity.  Women, who are "struggling" to find good men?  Maybe they should alter their search parameters, narrow it down to what is 'needed' instead of what they choose to "think" to want.

If they make more than two times the average comfortable living wage in their area, maybe at least go out to a coffee/tea cafe with a guy who does not for whatever reason, make as much.  Money for a hypothetical family is already covered yes?  Maybe they are an artist, maybe they are disabled from work for which they are qualified.

The point is that 'relationships' are supposed to be about two people sharing a life, instead of two 'equals' coming together to just live in the same house.  A man should be able to help the woman, and vice versa, in a psychologically fundamental way, think do I.

As one who is recognized by the state as physically disabled from doing work for which qualified am I?  This journo'list's assumption that men "below her level of income" are somehow less of a 'man' because of it, can easily be as offensive as if the reverse was said.  What would be the typical journo'list response to a man who says '... women who make more than blank annual wage are less attractive...'?

To take the cake, Journo'lists are surprised that the public is rejecting them and their crazy.  Women spent a century working on being accepted as a possible "breadwinner" for a family.

Women got what they wanted!  Yet they still expect the man to be the breadwinner?  However, they justify it;  They are fooling themselves into being blind to their own hypocritical bigotry...  exactly what Feminazies say about the "white cis patriarchy".

And Ms. Fishberg's response to the possibility of not finding such a man?  To reinforce another stereotype of lesbians as closet bisexuals.  That's like the little kid in the playground taking their toys and running away because others refused to bend to the will of the one throwing the tantrum.

For the record, anybody who tries to "censor" another for holding a different political opinion is a fascist, by the definition of mine.  Female fascists who apply their brand of crazy towards others because of age, sex, or race is a Feminazi, by the definition of mine.

In addition, age/race/sex neither physically nor through peer pressure prevent a biological entity from recognizing racism, sexism, and all the other 'ism's.  The only way to be "blind" to it is by conscious choice.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 5 ♥ 0 7 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ Re: Why Not Let Women Be Drafted?

There is a very good reason for South Korea's draft.  It is the same reason Israel has a draft.  It is a requirement to spend at least 2 years in the military.  That fails to be 'difficult' to accomplish.  The good reason they have is the view they should not exist, or pushed into the ocean, by the neighboring state.  For South Korea, it is both China and North Korea.  For Israel it is all Muslim States;  And, idiots still want to force Israel to give Hamas a state. 😅

If women want the right to vote, at the same time they should be included in the draft.  They 'should' have combat roles in the military, there are women with combat roles in the Bible;  And yet some try to frame this as prejudice from 'religious'. 🤡🌏

The only way to circumvent the draft is to volunteer to join the military.  That way a new recruit can choose what job they will be trained for.  Those who wait until they are drafted fail to be given a choice, they are assigned whatever job the military needs the most.😎


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 0 9 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ Re: Democrat Socialist Candidate SHOCKED After Finding the Lamestream Media "...are mean and they lie..."

Calling them "liberals" has been ironic for the past few decades.  This is why Libertarians are taking the label back, from their party that should be called the Democrat Socialist Party.  That is the general platform of their policies since the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

There is a very reasonable and logical hypothesis that the Deep State has pushed with continuing to use this label for Democrat Party.  It directly contradicts what the average citizen is taught to define as "liberal".  This keeps the Cloward'Piven drama going stronger, farther, faster...

That is what has inflated this "bubble" referred to by Tim Pool.  The internet has helped all see that we are all one.  We are uniting, and they are desperate to try to compel the ever'dwindling pool of statist to continue their divisive faux political theater.

Ultimately, libertarian socialism still fails, because of the likely education/perception of the new young adults who grow up in those "communes".  They are unlikely to provide a balanced education because it is against their beliefs and a small commune is all about beliefs, let alone able to 'afford' the resources needed to make up for the opposing opinion.  Public Schools are either unable or unwilling to do this, thus why expect it of a commune.?.  How many young adults come out of Quaker communes claiming they are atheists.?.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 0 9 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ The Zombies of World War Z

Written By Max Brooks
Directed By Marc Forster

The movie has its flaws, of course, but the technobabble for their version of  “zombies” was interesting, think do I.  The video embedded is much more, and different, from a generic review from the perception of a complete stranger.  However, it is only embedded as tertiary relevancy to the thoughts of mine.

After buying and rewatching the movie, the one trait the zombies exhibited but the characters failed to even mention, is that the zombies had higher brain function activity.  They did much more than simply create a human ladder to get into Israel.  They had multiple stages of activity, with the virus research facility in Wales being the most drastic.

That idea is further supported by the script mentioning the zombies ‘bypassed’ the sick, old, disabled, et cetera.  Activity based on the randomness of a dying brain, overwhelmingly fails to support any of those behavioral traits.  The change in behavior traits means there is some intelligence behind the zombies, that the movie refuses to even approach.

Furthermore, this unknown intelligence treats the zombies as if they are easily discarded toys, as they seek to infect “healthy” people.  The zombies would beat on obstacles with their own head, despite that being their only apparent weakness besides the cold.  Therefore, there is obviously some end goal for this unknown intelligence.

Another finding use for these thoughts, is the hope of mine.  For sharing the Force of yours, grateful am I.  May the Goddess be allowed to alighten a path towards love, joy, and happiness along a self’determined life’cycle chosen by you, pray do I.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 0 5 ♥ Sol'Daes ♥ Change Selection Method of Federal Senators & President of the United States

The rich are only able to run for Federal Senators and the President of the United States because of the money needed for their campaign.

That is the reason popularity contests are against what our Founding Parents wanted for the election of Senators and P.o.t.U.S.  Senators are selected by State Governors/Legislator as decided by choice of state citizen.  The Electoral College was supposed to decide the P.o.t.U.S. all by themselves.  Each E.C. vote is selected by their the states.😅

That ensures equity of representation for each state in a selection of the P.o.t.U.S. {President of the United States}

Therefore, we should return to the original selection method. 😎

A.O.C. is a very bad example for support to increase the pay of federal politicians;  She denies Trump monie for Border Patrol, yet she wants more money...