Edge of Wonder's video of Ben Chasteen & Mike Bara, from Game of Thrones, hanging out @ 9/11 Memorial is responded with some thoughts that graced the psyche of mine.
Maybe for it to be a nonprofit charity but then they would be faced with entrepreneurs who want to use the space {downtown New York City, 1} to make their living for their family, and that means profit.
Most of those abducted are free of any hint of a memory of the abduction, think do I. Perhaps only 13% or less actually remember anything even in hypnosis. Your will already has to be pretty strong and close to a certain distortion to resist their methods of wiping memory.
FurtherMore, is it really a benefit for those who do...?... The memory, itself, seems to bring them only additional trauma. It's like an adult incorrectly questioning a kid, the kid can end up fabricating a complete traumatic experience that will affect them the rest of their life, just for the adult's approval. Yet before, they were beautifully mentally healthy.
However, everything in our life was planned by our higher selves at birth, and every time we reach REM, think do I. The reason is that we have a much better vantage point, to see the events,
The point would be our choice to be of service'to'others, without sacrificing ourself; And to choose to be happy instead of letting our experiences and friends define our identity, feel do I.