As a fan of the Marvel Cinemaverse from its inception, it is easy say this is a good movie, feel do I. It follows the basic formula of the Hero’s Journey that makes for a good movie. The character is supposed to initially be as stoic as Spock, thus that complaint about Ms. Larson is bereft of merit. Overall, the character would be better off with a couple more movies to define her audience and character herself, think do I.
It is amazing how far all pundits have over reacted to Ms. Larson’s comments. Of course, what she said was still retarded because most of the audience for comic book movies are male, so it stands to reason most critics are male. Of course there are gal fans and that is applauded by me. However, a standard rule of success in business is to reach for a wider audience ’without’ alienating the existing fans.
Captain Marvel gets a ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ from me. It is a fun comic book origin story, however the lack of a romance subplot retards the appeal towards a wider audience. However, the movie was already very busy with plot threads, so it would have taken a major overhaul of the basic outline to make room, think do I.
That is to suggest the movie is far better than the reviews on Youtube have suggested, feel do I. All of the S.J.W. {Social Justice Warriors} issues that triggered certain people, failed to exist in the movie itself. It was simply Ms. Larson running her mouth off about which subjects she is abundantly ignorant.
It is amazing how far all pundits have over reacted to Ms. Larson’s comments. Of course, what she said was still retarded because most of the audience for comic book movies are male, so it stands to reason most critics are male. Of course there are gal fans and that is applauded by me. However, a standard rule of success in business is to reach for a wider audience ’without’ alienating the existing fans.
Captain Marvel gets a ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ from me. It is a fun comic book origin story, however the lack of a romance subplot retards the appeal towards a wider audience. However, the movie was already very busy with plot threads, so it would have taken a major overhaul of the basic outline to make room, think do I.
That is to suggest the movie is far better than the reviews on Youtube have suggested, feel do I. All of the S.J.W. {Social Justice Warriors} issues that triggered certain people, failed to exist in the movie itself. It was simply Ms. Larson running her mouth off about which subjects she is abundantly ignorant.