Any source offered to support it, overwhelming fails by an investigation using scientific method; That might be why they tend to rely on emotional outbursts and sensationalism to distract people, from do I… kind of like the bL.S.M. {bLame'Stream'Media} and their flavor’of’the’month tragedy and/or crisis.
The krysalis must be upon us because mentally ill people increase in their psychosis and get crazier. S.t.S. {Service'to'Self} biological entities seem to be doubling down on… well S.t.O. {Service'to'Others} is the only path with sound reason and logic in the understanding of mine; Therefore, the S.t.S. are without reason and logic, think do I.
The lack of understanding and acceptance from the perspective of mine is a cause of joy, feel do I. It seems a good sign that any assignment much higher than 52% towards S.t.O. has the current equilibrium of my ego and super'ego. Often every day, my a Soul is given permission by my mind, to guide us ever further towards S.t.O. However, there is not a 'scale' that is free of all bias; So 'knowing' an the progress attained the next day/week/month/year is only answered by meditation and asking our Higher Self.
Yet scripturally speaking there is evidence that ancient ancestors used the wires ‘demon’ as we use the word ‘alien’. A weird having two or more different meanings is far from a modern invention, know do I. That is why it is important to trust the Divine soaking from our heart; All other sources that could mirror it are prone to human word at the very least, even if there was a religion or spiritual path free of their anthropomorphic machinations. Our P.M. {Prime Material} is free of such an element, and instead they ask are both right and wrong.
That is why it is exceptionally silly to attempt to coerce, physically or socially, another soul to ascribe to our world view. MoreOver, the desire to do so is of the devil itself and has, does, and will lead souls to their ruin.
The book that the second video embedded into this post to is in reference, is abundantly full of annotations of scientists worthy of the title. That is they used the scientific method to give credibility to the evidence/issue at hand.
99% of U’tubers semi to either be Dis'Information Agents, or individual who have yet to ascend past the compulsions to validate their thought patterns by ‘convincing’ others, believe do I. The later is free of being a 'failing' on their part as we are all on unique paths towards ascension. That is the way that the Goddess's will; As all is one, and one is all, that means that is to be the way 'we' will it. Another way to see it is as the Goddess exploring ways of thought through each and every one of us.
Imagine being so lonely and bored that you mentally create figments of your imagination as characters. Writers of fictional stories and novels do it all the time; Yet, the Goddess has the advantage of being omnipotent, omnipresent, and indomitable. That how she gives us free will.
In contrast to what is expanded upon above; The reason for this comment/reply from me, is that it hopefully helps one {maybe more} in their choice to be happy. That is the only avenues that evidence verified by the scientific method is especially good at; Used rightly, ‘science’ is used in service of spiritual discovery; Instead of dogma, scripture, violence, hysterics, or sensationalisms that which convince very few {if any} listeners/readers.