
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 7 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ Re: WestWorld and The Critical Drinker

The movie, and series, are essentially a futuristic take on theme'parks and L.A.R.P.ing {Live Action Role Playing}. And then what are the most popular themes of i.R.L. {in Real Life} LARPS? Those are the themes that a 'company' would explore because it would attract the most number of customers.

"Westworld" is a reboot of an older movie. The original was an amusement park with more than one "zone" people could visit. There was Medievalworld, Romanworld and Westworld. Thus Critical Drinker is simply wrong on the series changing the theme. All themeparks have multiple themes that are explored.

However, the point was each world was one that fit a basic genre, in which their audience wanted to 'play' a 'role'. Few fail to know anything of Shogun Japan, let alone enough to have an interest in roleplaying in it.

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