
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 0 ♥ 1 8 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ Abductions & 9/11 Memorial

Edge of Wonder's video of Ben Chasteen & Mike Bara, from Game of Thrones, hanging out @ 9/11 Memorial is responded with some thoughts that graced the psyche of mine.

City or State paying for it? That is still paid for by the citizens, just through the lobbyists and politicians get their cut. A commercial museum is at least honest about their endeavor.

Maybe for it to be a nonprofit charity but then they would be faced with entrepreneurs who want to use the space {downtown New York City, 1} to make their living for their family, and that means profit.

Most of those abducted are free of any hint of a memory of the abduction, think do I. Perhaps only 13% or less actually remember anything even in hypnosis. Your will already has to be pretty strong and close to a certain distortion to resist their methods of wiping memory.

FurtherMore, is it really a benefit for those who do...?... The memory, itself, seems to bring them only additional trauma. It's like an adult incorrectly questioning a kid, the kid can end up fabricating a complete traumatic experience that will affect them the rest of their life, just for the adult's approval. Yet before, they were beautifully mentally healthy.

However, everything in our life was planned by our higher selves at birth, and every time we reach REM, think do I. The reason is that we have a much better vantage point, to see the events,

The point would be our choice to be of service'to'others, without sacrificing ourself; And to choose to be happy instead of letting our experiences and friends define our identity, feel do I.


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 0 ♥ 1 3 ♥ Lady'Daes ♥ The Alliance is Fueled by Tears of Statists and Democrats.

All gov ”bills” have their title be the exact opposite of what it does... Such as the Affordable Care Act… should be called unaffordable…

Mr. Corey Goode, Mr. David Wilcock, et cetera have been, are, and will always be attacked by kabal; They are a direct existential threat to the narrative supported by The Swamp; Instead, perhaps we should choose to see this as a positive, such as with Trump, suggest do I. The more the Kabal attacks Mr. Goode, Mr. Wilcock, et cetera the more it will help spread the good word… The Barbara Streisand Effect is real…

Thus maybe, for a change, instead we should be the ones co’opting our own Co’Creative power, think do I. Instead of letting the Ls.M. {Lamestream Media} control it against our own interest, by what news they choose to actually report.

Once a source chooses to lie to their audience, for instance all of the cable news channels, then it is foolish for us to trust anything said by them. As the audience, it is impossible to discern fact from lie. FoxNews may be the best channel for only omitting news that they are instructed to disfavor, but lying by omission is still lying.

A good example of that is, trusting anything accusatory said by Dr. Steven M. Greer when he himself has admitted to being BFFs with the Rockefeller dynasty. Best yet is to choose to disbelieve any accusation that is without empirical evidence to support it, feel do I. Someone commenting that another is ”wrong” fails to be empirical.  Neither is it particularly effective in elevating discourse for the benefit of anyone. 😅
Dr. Greer can be found talking about himself here:


♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 0 ♥ 0 3 ♥ Sylilo'Daes ♥ Democratic Socialism kills more people than the Nazies ever dreamed of…

Democratic Socialism kills more people than the Nazies ever dream of…  Here are two articles to concisely support the following axioms...

Democratic Socialism is designed to create a "soft revolution" into Communism by the theological creators of communism.

Every iteration of communism systemically commits a Red Holocausts against hundreds of millions of people, and actually increases the percentage of the population who experience poverty.  Venezuela has proven the elaborate lie from The Swamp, is continually attractive to the young and ignorant.  Education truly the only way to inoculate ourselves to this homicidal lunacy.  In addition, why it is safe to say that all statists are literally mentally ill.

Helping others is great, and thus it is essential to give at most 20% of our annual income to charity. Abandon this foolish notion of government benevolence, suggest to do I.  Services performed by charities are infinitely more efficient and effective than any government has been, is, or ever will be...