
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 6 ♥ 1 8 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ Re: "... dislike it when an undesired male seeks their attention, thus how is such a male supposed to know this..."?

Stop thinking of In.Cels. {Involuntary Celibates} as if they are the class clown/dweeb.  Instead, acknowledge that there simply fails to be a rational and logical way of attracting an intelligent woman.  The type of women who frequent the local bars, are outside the interest of mine.  Statistically, a politician would be wondering why statism is the antithesis of the personality of mine.

The simple but effective argument to debunk these notions is to ask any Feminist what their solution is to their issue.  They dislike it when an undesired male seeks their attention, thus how is such a male supposed to know this without actually getting to know them?  They are big on complaining about what they don't like but fail to ever propose a solution that is attractive to both sexes, think do I.

People who fail to be those refered to as incels, also fail to have any clue what it is about.  The reason is simple, those who are incels fail to think of themselves as a victim.  Other than that there is likely to be an infinite number of reasons for why any particular person fits into this new category they want to fictitiously invent.

What is precisely bad about living with our parents?  Of course, there is a want for the house to be large enough to keep from people living ontop of each other.  However, the "nuclear family" is a very modern idea, and largely it may be contributing to many a failure of society.  For instance, single mothers would have aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, brothers, sisters, et cetera for chores such as child sitting, while they go on a date or go to work.

The idea that incels are mentally unstable "Jokers" in training is abhorrently misleadingly false.  Perhaps it is an example of the Lamestream Media trying to frame a false narrative around a subject "incels",  because whether they are a M.G.C.O.W., M.A.G.A., or M.R.A.

All animals have a drive for self'preservation.  If a bad owner hits a dog enough times, pretty soon the dog stops coming around the owner.  There has been far too many faux cries of 'rape', only to punish the male because of some reason or another.  Now it's "you must believe all victims!" and very few in the media ask 'why?'

The news holds up the scandals of Mr. Jeffrey Epstein, Mrs. Killary Clinton, Mr. Harvey Weinstein, et cetera as if they represent the attitude of the super'majority of men;  Or, that men in general are responsible for the actions of a few evil males grossly outside their social circle.

Then there is news of how some women, such as Ms. Alyssa Milano, give themselves trophies for how many abortions they have had.  That is only the highlights of a culture that demonizes and destroys the lives of any man having the audacity to benignly express interest in a woman.

Racism and sexism absolutely do exist on the planet Terra.  However, it was heavily in the minority until PotUS #44 Barry Soetoro began his eight years of war against american citizens.  They had to bus people in Ferguson, Missouri to start off the riots, because the people there knew better than to take a shit in your own bed.  MoreOver, choosing to be offended over words and calling it sexism/racism hurts the cases where people face real hardship and tough situations.

So in light of all of that political drama, women are surprised that men have taken a pass on playing their game?  Feminism won the war, and the super'majority get equal pay when compared with similar jobs;  For instance, an Engineer against another Engineer, or a Doctor versus another Doctor.  Now they have opened up new possibilities for the role women can play in a family.  Yet now they are surprised men have said "ok, you can be the breadwinner"?

Living life is at its core 'politics' and it reflects in every choice you make.  Do you expect someone to 'save you'?  Or do you solve your own problems, and along the way help others learn to solve their own problems.

Now the Swamp is so desperate to regain voters they are trying to create a new voting block by convincing "involuntary celibates" that they are also victims.  Well, for me, the response is... no.  "Incel" has, does, and will always fail to ever be a 'thing'.  It's only a symptom to systemic failures of the Swamp both culturally and in our government.