
♥ 1 3 ♥ 0 0 ♥ 0 6 ♥ 1 4 ♥ 0 9 ♥ Ba'Daes ♥ The Zombies of World War Z

Written By Max Brooks
Directed By Marc Forster

The movie has its flaws, of course, but the technobabble for their version of  “zombies” was interesting, think do I.  The video embedded is much more, and different, from a generic review from the perception of a complete stranger.  However, it is only embedded as tertiary relevancy to the thoughts of mine.

After buying and rewatching the movie, the one trait the zombies exhibited but the characters failed to even mention, is that the zombies had higher brain function activity.  They did much more than simply create a human ladder to get into Israel.  They had multiple stages of activity, with the virus research facility in Wales being the most drastic.

That idea is further supported by the script mentioning the zombies ‘bypassed’ the sick, old, disabled, et cetera.  Activity based on the randomness of a dying brain, overwhelmingly fails to support any of those behavioral traits.  The change in behavior traits means there is some intelligence behind the zombies, that the movie refuses to even approach.

Furthermore, this unknown intelligence treats the zombies as if they are easily discarded toys, as they seek to infect “healthy” people.  The zombies would beat on obstacles with their own head, despite that being their only apparent weakness besides the cold.  Therefore, there is obviously some end goal for this unknown intelligence.

Another finding use for these thoughts, is the hope of mine.  For sharing the Force of yours, grateful am I.  May the Goddess be allowed to alighten a path towards love, joy, and happiness along a self’determined life’cycle chosen by you, pray do I.

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